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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. ...probably not at all...good thing you were thinking fast..
  2. ...gettin' ready for round three of the laundry walk to & back from hell... .....practicing me lyrics.
  3. No problem for you Sweety!

    You deserve excellence ;)

  4. ...but, your coolness is only the for-shadow-ation of your awesomeness that is about to blossom...like a lotus ;}

    I have it on good authority.

  5. Nope...she fired us, for whiney emo-boy (that just quit our team a month ago)...

    ...they plan to charge cover soon...

    ..I think me being against that idea spurred her to cave in when whiny boy threatened to open a poetry night at Luna's in direct competition...greed...HA!

    I'll have more time for shows ;}

    I thought of having a once in a season poetry thing...even ...

  6. ...K..bi noaw!! You can watch the interwebs for me now *biff*
  7. ...geared up.....now, I just have to convince meself that there are no enemy ninja waiting for me today...they LOVE the laundry mat to attack, & the bathroom, which is why, you will rarely see me in the laundry's bathroom...
  8. You have me slightly on the confused here, I've 2 points to address, in 5 parts (HAIL ERIS)... 1. Sex talk 2. Flirting (online or off) 3. Taking another person's phone number (opposite sex) and HIDING it. 4. Thinking of another person while having sex...yeah not so good. 5. Obviously, any sexual act with anyone else 6. kissing someone else (and I don't mean the peck on your family member) 7. online correspondence (especially e-mail) with someone you are hiding from your partner 8. text messaging that same type of person through your cell phone 1...'sex talk' must be defined in order to even begin this discussion...there are many kinds of sex talk...talking about sex in a biological, instructional, or anecdotal manner, not only ok & cool, but, sometime NECESSARY...talking like a phone sex operator, not right to say the least (that may be what you mean)...then, there is the 'grey area' of the off colour jokes & silliness to which we may thank the likes of Benny Hill for...I find it very hard to pass up a good-pun-fer-fun (but, you may mean this as well.) 2...again, there is the Benny Hill type of humorous comment that was not meant to go anywhere...then, there is the flirting that is expressly the prelude to mating rituals, which, may or may not be acceptable, depending on the cultural taboos that the partners agree upon at the onset of the partnership. 3, 7, &8... really the exact same thing to me, 'clandestine communication'...ANY thing that is hidden, destroys the root of the word 'partner'. 5...duh... 6...you mean on the open mouth, right? ...Oh, as I started this way back before he posted, I type slow when I have to think up such bombastic words, whilst cleaning the house..really slow... +1 to MSTERBEAU for saying that SO CONCISELY!
  9. Happy Birthday Sis!

  10. ...really though...is it a real surprise that I think she rocks!?...Or that I used to dress in as much of the same style as a child (albeit, in a SLIGHTLY more masculine fashion)....
  11. Oh GREAT MAJIK 8-BALL.....is it gonna' be a super duper bash? IT IS CERTAIN. MAJIK 8-BALL has spoken. WOO!
  12. Nicely stated...but, what TL was saying for the most part is right on...peoples will GENERALLY defend their Beloveds more voraciously than they will defend themselves...simply letting the blow 'roll off the back' so to speak...........I AM NOT THIS WAY...I count me as the first person in my family, & will defend me as needed, with much fervor...I will defend my Son, & The Ladies with equal zeal...just, the Ladies would probably wish to defend themselves on most occasions...to all the boys listening out there, when a Lady gets "THAT LOOK", & does not ASK you, don't even try to think of how to help...
  13. ...crafty! .....remind me to show you this project I am not capable of sometime you're over...I have a glass bottle that needs a lil' hammock/strap..I think you know how to tie the right knots...I like to work in trades, we can talk out some kinda' good deal...we are the crafty too
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