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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. ..why...do you insist on putting words into people's mouths? I did not say that there was any countries that were 'spotless'...though, Luxembourg, Switzerland, & The Republic Of Malta are ALL in the running, or so I've heard... ...what I say, is that there ARE wrong things in America, & that America has done...if you are insulted by this TRUTH, do not read my posts...I was not even talking about your post, all YOU did, was to come in here & bash the shit out of Chicago.....to what end? Just to get a rise out of SOMEONE, I must suspect... ...well, I'll have to agree that Sweden is NOT helping with all of that hate-filled-black-death-metal they are exporting.....
  2. Really though! ...if you don't think that America has anything wrong with it...lemme' just point to how WE treat EACH OTHER!...you know, yelling & screaming at each other through rolled up windows (like we can hear each other)...the rich, sending as many jobs away to other places, so they can increase already astronomical profits...the race war, class war, norms against frieks.....then, there's the bunch that throw insults across the sea towards other countries for shit like, I don't know, choosing not to fight a wart they feel is wrong...there are plenty of things that America should apologize for, & well, we did elect HIM...I'm just wondering when he is going to make it around to apologizing to US for the shit his rich friends have done to this country. ...& Gaf...what's so wrong with President Zelaya? NEVER, have his peoples LIKED a Pres more...from what I heard... OH...& it WAS Bush, that let all his rich friends throw OUR JOBS overseas, to make an extra buck, that they did not need! ...OH...& he's the one that DID let the no bid contracts get HANDED OUT! .....OOOOOOOH...& it WAS him that started the war in Iraq...(how much has that costed now?) ...OH..& I am STILL waiting for an apology...from SOMEONE... Oh...& Obama, & Bush, are the cut from the same cloth, they are just a different pattern...get used to it, or get out!
  3. ...I tell you what.....no matter how grumpy I wake up...when O_M_G & the R~H~ is here, I find it very good for happy-Goat-making.
  4. ...you kiddz now-a-days.....you are all so pampered & lazy..... I kidd...MOST of yous are the lazy though
  6. Some BADASSED Industrial musik there! .....& I see, phee, definitely seems to have a thing for the dark haired beauties... ..more reggae...
  7. ...yeah, it's all funny.....TILL IT HAPPENS! .......are you ready? ..I AM! *sharpens lucky machete*
  8. Shit...nothing bad about this tune! Knew it in the first measure... I is cool like this... How about: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPDTXm1aruA
  9. ...you are cool...thought I'ld remind you ;)

  10. ...dark...has a good beat, I could dance to it; with a partner ...the heavy metal guitar is neither too heavy, nor too metal... ...not horridly fond of the lyric track...I THINK I hear words...I really like words in songs...without them (or the ability to discern them from one another) it is seriously, almost like wasting the cool beat...... ...I give it 2.3 of 5 stars... ...see...I like words ...& can discern several patois...(that's what he is singing in, it is a dialect where 3 or more languages meld, & become a new one, Creol is a patois.)
  11. Yeah...they (Vikings), did not use a raft...they used a WHOLE SHIP! A meager raft, good for an oceanic burial...NOT lake, or bay... ...& no problem about the links...I was wondering...'cause, it seemed to me, that there was some fishies stinkin'... .....I think, that when they MAKE you buy a liner, that is against the law...G*D'S LAW... ..........how is the body (shell) supposed to deteriorate? ...& what the fuck is this shit; they try to sell you some casket, it is guaranteed not to decay for 1000 years, or some shit...what the fuck? Like, we're going to dig up G'maw' & check her box...NOT.
  12. I feel..angst.. ...don't worry Bretherenz...I just have to goto the store soon
  13. Awe...Sister Ratsel...you were but 1 comment, in a torrential downpour of 'hippy-ing'...even with me dreads covered...even with a blue mohawk...even with a blue beard...even with this coal under me eyes (every-day-all-day)...evem in my punker-leathers.....& yes, even in military dress... ...I think, I figured our the #1 deepest rooted reason peoples would skip directly to hippy... ........I walk, exactly like Shaggy from the Scooby Doo... : THAT...has GOT to be IT! ...if you layer ANY or ALL these other 'suspected-hippy-behaviors' with the subconsciousness picking up the first body language that is sent...me bopping along as I walk up...lookin' like I am jamin' to some tune no one else can hear ( I am!).....the brain tell you, "THAT, is a hippy!" Hm...interesting.....what makes the difference between us?...you are the only one I have seen give this opinion...
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