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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! This...just in...I...AM A BADASSEDCLASSYMO'FO'! PROOF! (edit to add: that does not know how to blow up pictures so well.) (edit: 'cause I think I figured out how to big it) ...yes, I DID!
  2. ...somehow...I think that the really hard core hookah smokers, will know how to flavor their tobacco...
  3. Junior Goat will just friekout when he sees this E~N~! (I refuse to butcher the spelling ) ...& I knew phee would love the pox song ...OOOOOO...we can not forget about DEVO...here's their first single http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWmf7r_37eA ...& their second...my FAV!
  4. Good article find gimp! ...I think that there is a loophole...but, I don't want to read the legal document..... ...PLEASE; someone who read it...answer me this.....can we buy them 'specialty-tobaccos' over the interweb, & have them shipped to our homes?
  5. ...same band, but, 1 post only lets you put up 2 vids <song about doing voodoo on someone (it's a bit goth even, & it was performed just about exactly like he does it here...back in the 60s.) MY KIND OF "HIPPIES"! .....& I bet....if a phee did not already know about these guys, THIS, is in his list of 'new fav songs for now'....
  6. Why thank you, Sir....& now...if I may, I will demonstrate, Our Industrial roots reach way back into the old hippy days wiki/Silver_Apples <hippy love song <song about life (& love)
  7. *wipes tear away as it forms*


    Oh, SNAP!

    I Love You Ratsel!

    We are certainly Kindred~Spirits!

    I'll be quite proud to call you Sister from now on!

  8. ...I am not certain about that, nor could I figure out where to look this up..but, it does ring a bell...if memory serves, it was an anti-tobacco group that was spouting this...I have known several junkies that kicked...& for the most part they smoked cigs for quite some time after kickin' ...so, I quote those guys...I'm still mad at the doctors for fuckin' my nervous system up in the 80s... ...Oh NOES!...not the hookah! .....well, honestly, if you want your tobacco to be REALLY nice; you mix it yourself
  9. ...ooooooo...so sorry Doll, but, Mr.McCain voted, "Yea"...so, I doubt he would have used the Presidential Veto....maybe, you should look these things up before making such wild claims...I'm just sayin'... Ok...lemme' tell you why the Cloves got the ban.....they are imports. No Lobby to protect them... I'ld be HAPPY, if they did something REAL to make smoke less addictive... ...like, say, if they stopped spraying Vanilla on Marlboros... ..& the hundreds of other things that they spray on other brands of tobacco...TO MAKE IT MORE ADDICTIVE! ...seriously; why do we need to make THE..MOST..ADDICTIVE..SUBSTANCE..MORE..ADDICTIVE..? {bold words are the words of a recovered heroin addict}
  10. I must say...you two looked rather sharp yourselves!

    ...those, are Chzeck pants...O_M_G can send you a link to where they are from...

  11. My Lady...thatk you for the assistance at the wedding...& for taking Junior & I out to fest...& for making Our lives just the more sweeter than its was already...

    (oOps for no grammarz)

  12. ...yeah...damned hippies! I don't kidd (you think the dreads WITH the beard?) {I forgot the beard choice.....}
  13. HELLOW&HALLOW! *goes back to steadily practicing THIS* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0-czS8PTBU
  14. ...like, phee, needs a hand as a bartender...
  15. ...it is the dreads? .....that are cut into a MOHAWK? .......or, that I colour them like a Celt? ......or, maybe the beads on the ends.... (even though the beads are mostly of things like fire , & totems of death , & mystery) ...is it the never ending parade of military surplus gear? ..............who ever met a hippy with polished boots? ...is it the nearly-ever-present grin? {SMI2LE} (what, I just know more than you) .....is it that I say, "PEACE!" when I leave the room of peoples I love? (Funny, how no one ever calls Dr.Dre a hippy.) .....is it because, I preach that we must Love, Our Brothers...? ('cause, I often state quite clearly that Love, ain't Like) ...is it because I share what I have with those around me? ( This, is a very OLD custom in a great MANY Tribes...) .....my 'cloaks of many colours'? (This shows the wearer is rich, in Spiritual Knowledge...) ...so, what is it about US, that has THE WORLD...unanimously deciding...we are some hippys?
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