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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. ...I've been walking about 4 miles a day...'bout 5 days a week...if not more...few sit ups & push ups now and again...I am nearing "skinny".
  2. ...hehe..I'm a dork...you're a dork.....we are joined dorks....so dorky...I feel like a dork.
  3. Your Personality is the Rarest (INFJ) Your personality type is introspective, principled, self critical, and sensitive. Only about 2% of all people have your personality - including 3% of all women and around 1% of all men. You are Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging. ...that's right...I'm so rare, it's freakish.
  4. ...oOps.....that's My brain...it's twitchin' a lil'...heheSorry.
  5. ...like I am awake...& it was a smashing nap.
  6. HAHAHAAA! Disliking Gym Says You Are Thoughtful You are thoughtful, philosophical, and downright cerebral. For you, gym is too intense and competitive. You aren't always in the mood for playing hard. You may or may not be into exercise.. ...but any physical movement you do is under your own terms. You don't get your happiness through thrills or adrenalin rushes. Your bliss comes from quiet reflection. (Often during blow jobs.)
  7. ...O_M_G, & I, wish to bring Junior Goat...as it IS an ALL AGES SHOW! It is a school night...but, he can total skip the next day...for US.....THIS, IS EDUCATIONAL! ;) (We, are Bards, each one of us.){YES, we will armour his ears against damage.} We are also conspiring to bring Our Love, Miss Ryle Hira...'cause, she is the bomb...&should NOT miss out on this, because of her ass-hat bosses...
  8. OOO, snap...I knew he'ld go sooner than later...I did love everything I ever heard or saw of him... A GENIUS~BARD this man was...His Light will burn bright for a long time to come... I shall keep him in my thoughts & prayers...
  9. First...did I say I own the world? Did I say that I owned disorder? NO. I belong to this planet... ....I prefer the term diforder...say it out loud...you know it has a ring to it.....you know my twisted logic has a way to it... ....I tried getting everyone to substitute 'race' with 'breed', that did not go over well either....I guess, I am just ahead of my time.
  10. .....like we just built a retaining wall...but, we were just practicing musiks & revising/writing lyrics for almost 7 hours....
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