Hey, fuckin' speak fer yerself there man!
That, is only 1 faction's fucked-up understanding of an otherwise beautiful thing.
Jihad, is supposed to be a deeply internal, & personal thing...a war against the deamons (negative impulses) within yourself...
...where this all got jacked up, is when the Muslims HAD to translate that into a war on the physical level, to band together their small groups,to fight off invaders (many many years ago)...the fact that America, is a media propaganda culture, does not help one single bit..seems, more & more, everwhere I go, more & more peoples are sounding more & more racist/religious-ist (you get what I'm sayin)..& the sins of the few, are being pined on the many...
THAT'S what this is about...lumping groups together, & reacting without care...till it stops...there will be war..everywhere...I know, I have posted this song before...but, it is 'TEH-RELEVANT!"