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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. Oh yeah! ........I feel like I must rush...but, if I keep up this pace...I'll be sitting on my thumb in about two hours...
  2. +1 .....besides...he is technically, only halfa'.....& that's exactly half... ........personally...I think he's too Caucasian...in the sense that he wish-washes, just like the Old Guard in the D.C. ...it was said to me, that, Obama, lacks the 'Ghetto-style'...by this, it was meant that he does not stick to his guns...I could not help but to agree whole heartedly. CASE IN POINT...think back to the debates, when he & McCain both said that "There will be NO offshore drilling in Florida"....only to flip the very next day to "There will be a little offshore drilling in Florida".....not what I look for in a leader.
  3. I did not know that..that info puts your post in proper perspective I did not even know that they were calling him a racist...you know, there ARE such a thing as Blacks that hate other Blacks...in a racist fashion...few; but, they do exist.
  4. FUCK YEAH WE COULD! This whole "Operating-In-A-State-Of-Confusion" is vastly failing. How will the future generations do, if this is what they have as roll models? Yes, I think that the Members of Congress should act as though they are being watched by children... It is they, not pop-icons, that should be held to standards of Moralistic Integrity. They DO need to quit with the race card... .....when played to often, the race card, is racism. (edit to add) That's pretty much what I mean whenever I say the whole thing is hilarious...
  5. ...um...you need to look into that...because, it IS legal in Michigan, for medical reasons...you just have to find a Doctor that is not all warped by the 80+ years of negative-bullshit-propaganda. ...the propaganda that was started, & is still funded by BEER COMPANIES, they started it just after prohibition was lifted...
  6. THIS...is a bit longer...but, it was an actual purchase... Trojan Magnums nylons razors beef jerky trail mix power aide rat food & bedding 5th of Scotch
  7. Hi...can't wait to see you!

    *leg hump*

  8. I think this is good....very good...you are certainly one whom should work with 'The Touched'... ...sure wish there was a teacher as cool as you when I was in the school, labeled EI. ...might I add...you should use music & poetry as an emotive release...took me a long time to learn how helpful these are...I have found them highest of the 7 Classic liberal arts...that is, the closest to Divinity........which is what 'The Touched' are touched by... Reference song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3NIMz8EtwY I am thinking of SO MUCH AT ONCE...it is flustering...I had to sit down & list my "shit-I-gotta'-do"...
  9. *slides in as coffee finishes brewing* Anybody else joinin' me? I'mm drink ALL of this....I WILL...I SWEAR IT! *lights a clove & pours a coffee*
  10. *runs in, puts fresh coffee on* Hi...be right back... *runs out*
  11. Like, I am getting ready to go a-Viking...
  12. Wokeded-up...not awake....coffee is hot though.
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