Wow...let me state, for the record...that in the cold-hearted-Nietzscheian sense...those that NEED anything other than food, water, shelter, & human contact...are in fact, weak. Mentally, emotionally, physically, or does not matter, weak, means not strong...
(Myself included, I NEED cigarettes, & don't wish to repeat this experiment with the coffee.)
Rayne...please, believe, O_M_G was NOT even referring to you & your children...she DIRECTLY was referring to a child, I had 2 rejects, who thought they needed more control over me. What was REALLY wrong, was that they wanted a life, you don't get a life as a parent, not till after the kids are taken care of...they had me on tons of the Ritalin, for 7 years...have the ticks & twitches to prove it. They DESTROYED my nervous system....& still, never gave me the attention I required....yet, found the time to produce 2 more children, whom, might I add, ended up QUITE more fucked up than I did.
MAYBE, next time you are SO offended, you make a quick PM for clarification.
Everybody else...MDs do NOT know as much as you think they do...there is SO MUCH, that they still 'think', 'conject', 'theorize' & 'just plain don't know'...not to mention, the several things, they are plain WRONG about......I've been told, by them, to my face, several times.
Thank you...that is all.