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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. D00D! That is SO not cool! There were a whole bunch of peoples that the Nazi-death-machine ate up that were absolutely NOT Jewish, as well! I know, I'm completely off topic...but, fuck this shit...I can't hold it any longer. Ignoring the non-Semitic peoples that died in the Holocaust is STILL ignoring the Holocaust... MODS: ya'll can go ahead & make this a different thread if you want...but, that's pretty much me piece.
  2. FIRST OFF...I was in porn already. SECOND...YES, I can see how a smaller man, with little to no book learnin' (Kama Sutra, possition 347 anyone?) may have sex, in the missionary position to climax & not displace this thing (stupid anyways, no matter what method of contraception you use, pull out too!)...that, having touched many a cervix, they are kinda' squishy...'specially next to my rock hard rod THIRD...I did a quick search...& the 100% you gave is bullshit. See that finger...that finger is between 3-4 inches, at best (it is a female finger)...I'm nearer 8. I am certainly not trusting any Doctor that sais this thing won't move. ...how to not knock up a Lady (FOR ABSOLUTE CERTAIN)? Don't put your dick in her.
  3. "As I See It Yes" MAJIK 8-BALL has spoken.
  4. "As I See It Yes" MAJIK 8-BALL has spoken. ...not, that I remember what the question was ...
  5. I am starting to goto the (very small) side that favors MANDATORY ABORTIONS for idiots... ....sad part, I'm only half kidding.
  6. YEAH HAVE FUN RIPPIN'UP CHI-TOWN! SEE YOU ON BREAK! (we miss you too friek)
  7. Exactly.....it is the same for both sides...so many years of shit talking back & forth...they just CAN NOT stop now...I think togo with the minimum age for such high offices, we should have a maximum age as well.
  8. I...am SO fucking cool sometimes...I have to +1 meself.
  9. Hm...phase-out Medicare sounds more like it...but really, if there is nation wide health care...who will need this in the future? I really don't 'get' the fuss.
  10. "My Sources Say No" MAJIK 8-BALL has spoken. ...see...MAJIK 8-BALL is massive-powerful...it can even turn on the web, & knows stuff REV does not.
  11. Well, that's for 2 nights...try finding these line-ups this long for any less...shit, there are rarely industrial type festivals..... 70 divided by 15 = less than 5...that's 5 bucks a band (if you are not worried about hotels & sduch...iz good to havez familia, you know.) I'ld totally go...but, I have a kid...& promised him, I'ld not goto a concert without him, next time...we are still trying to work out going to that Skinny Puppy show.
  12. "Signs Point To Yes" MAJIK 8-BALL has spoken... That...is one powerful 8-BALL...we don't even HAVE a working radio...
  13. Hi you...where ya' been?

    Keepin' busy?

    Stayin' out of the trouble?

  14. OOO...I wanna' see that! (I is ALWAYS excited when peoples use me ideas...'specially the drunken ones! )
  15. "My Reply Is No" MAJIK 8-BALL has spoken.
  16. OH, Great MAJIK 8-BALL...will we all have a blast at the RenFest this weekend? "YES" ...& at the party at me Brother's house? "Most Likely" ......& will I have a good Sunday Night Poetry Extravaganzzzza? "You May Rely On It" MAJIK 8-BALL has spoken.
  17. I was about to...then, I had to get some things for to work out the rig, for the show...so, I can get other, bigger shows...gainful employment
  18. Giddy..I may sit in with ServitorSanctum7....excited..I haz guitarist for the show!......stupefied..at how easily some peoples are offended....& I want to choke that principle...or, at least tell her how to turn the treble down on the bullhorn.
  19. Wow...let me state, for the record...that in the cold-hearted-Nietzscheian sense...those that NEED anything other than food, water, shelter, & human contact...are in fact, weak. Mentally, emotionally, physically, or spiritually...it does not matter, weak, means not strong... (Myself included, I NEED cigarettes, & don't wish to repeat this experiment with the coffee.) Rayne...please, believe, O_M_G was NOT even referring to you & your children...she DIRECTLY was referring to ME...as a child, I had 2 rejects, who thought they needed more control over me. What was REALLY wrong, was that they wanted a life, you don't get a life as a parent, not till after the kids are taken care of...they had me on tons of the Ritalin, for 7 years...have the ticks & twitches to prove it. They DESTROYED my nervous system....& still, never gave me the attention I required....yet, found the time to produce 2 more children, whom, might I add, ended up QUITE more fucked up than I did. MAYBE, next time you are SO offended, you make a quick PM for clarification. Everybody else...MDs do NOT know as much as you think they do...there is SO MUCH, that they still 'think', 'conject', 'theorize' & 'just plain don't know'...not to mention, the several things, they are plain WRONG about......I've been told, by them, to my face, several times. Thank you...that is all.
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