Ya'll are f-in' funny as hell arguing this.....you are all wrong, & right, in certain instances (sometimes in the same sentence.)
I like the middle of the road on this issue.
I have more to say...but, no time at the now.
Nice rehash TWB...you should be, maybe, the journalist...'cause, I had to reread the story meself...
I must say...at least this guy has an Embassy workin' the case for him...
Points (mostly) pre-known & already taken into account, eternal.
I still disagree with the semantics that the WHOLE of the populous is using. (As is becoming the usual.)
Follow me into my vision...
Marry- word from long ago:
Through my studies, far & wide...I know that Yoga, means Union...that in most every Church this marriage we speak of, is a joining of the whole of two peoples...& it is a matter concerning the mind, body, & soul. This implies at a root, a Spiritual tradition...regardless of the modern, bastardized usage...
Civil Union: is a VERY new (so far as the ages of words go), & wholly secular term.
SO...here we have the impasse...both sides are in critical error, using OLD thought forms in a NEW AGE...
...I think I see this because I am on neither side.
The Government will cease handing out Marriage Licenses...
...your Church will tell you if you can get married...
...EVERYONE that wants their tax break/1,000-some-odd other federal rights...can get a Civil Union.
(Note the marked use of a period.)
Does that speak my view well? I'm rather concentrated on other things for the now...
(sorry if I blinded you somewhere)
We had to miss the meet-up on the 5th...BUT...on the 12th & 13th...our Clan will be there early-to-late...we are THE-IMPOSSIBLE to miss for very long....some of you...are not...SO, I ask...who's goin'? Who will be workin'? (I know XillaToxic will.)
.....I.....feel.....that the HEAT.....has none to good of an effect on my mind.....must find a new house.....I needs a nice basement.....caves are cool.....literally.....I am, a CaveGoat.