Not fightin'...just mashin' semantics.
* Main Entry: 1mar·ry
* Pronunciation: \ˈmer-ē, ˈma-rē\
* Function: verb
* Inflected Form(s): mar·ried; mar·ry·ing
* Etymology: Middle English marien, from Anglo-French marier, from Latin maritare, from maritus married
* Date: 14th century
transitive verb 1 a : to join in marriage according to law or custom b : to give in marriage <married his daughter to his partner's son> c : to take as spouse : wed <married the girl next door> d : to perform the ceremony of marriage for <a priest will marry them> e : to obtain by marriage <marry wealth>
...see...the way I see it...there would be no such thing as marriage if there were no religion.
...thereby, adultery is a religious term, right along next to marriage.