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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. ...pretty good...maybe a lil' paranoid...but,it should pass...
  2. I had better do some cleaning before I play with these new knobs & buttons...
  3. ...see my friend at the music store...gonna' buy me a mixer....
  4. *pushes start & sings along* *dances* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHfHs2qpaSM
  5. ...rollin' cigs for the trip to the music store...(for the mixer)...
  6. ...I think that the stress of the past week caught up with My Sweety...wish I could take care of her...but she's way over there...
  7. oK Luvy!

    I'm makin' a Sunday Dinner...

  8. ...I am usually MOSTLY serious about those My Dear...the only reason that I am partially funny about those, is that, well...no one will go along with some of my bestest ideas! BUT...I gotta' say 'em, in case if something similar happens later...then, I really go on about it...for WEEKS!...like when they found out that MY HYPOTHESIS that HomoErectus & NeanderthalMan cross bread! I was like 8 or 9 when I said that shit...they (science) JUST got it a year or so ago WTF! ...oh...I did it, huh...?
  9. You Are Mint Iced Tea You are philosophical and balanced. You try to remain cool and collected. You value peace and quiet. You've had a lot of drama go down.. enough to last you a lifetime. You have come to a point in your life where you can accept things as they are. You don't get worked up about what you can't change. You like nothing more than a simple summer afternoon when you don't have a care in the world. Why I gotta' always be associated with the MINT plant? Fuck mint...I dislike mint very much...it is almost a hate...I dislike mint more than I dislike France!...less than hate though...
  10. I am not a car...I am a pair of 'caligula'.
  11. "Fight fire with fire." ~adage
  12. Not fightin'...just mashin' semantics. * Main Entry: 1mar·ry * Pronunciation: \ˈmer-ē, ˈma-rē\ * Function: verb * Inflected Form(s): mar·ried; mar·ry·ing * Etymology: Middle English marien, from Anglo-French marier, from Latin maritare, from maritus married * Date: 14th century transitive verb 1 a : to join in marriage according to law or custom b : to give in marriage <married his daughter to his partner's son> c : to take as spouse : wed <married the girl next door> d : to perform the ceremony of marriage for <a priest will marry them> e : to obtain by marriage <marry wealth> ...see...the way I see it...there would be no such thing as marriage if there were no religion. ...thereby, adultery is a religious term, right along next to marriage.
  13. ...Pandora Radio... ...& a song on the youtube...I was listening to earlier...think I'll hear it again...I like it.
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