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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. Well...maybe.....oK..if you & your Lady ask REALLY REALLY nicely
  2. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE... ....I know him! (He lives under my beard.) ...is this a calling to let him out for that show there?
  3. ...I feel.....spifferific! (but, that I need a coffee.) .....I also think certain peoples should stop talkin' shit & tellin' lies... ...before something otherworldly happens...
  4. G'mornin'Luvyz!

    Guess what I forgot to tell you?

    To get me some coffee...I was gonna' do that on the way home to get me coat...

    SO...I took a nap...& now, I go...but, yeah, sux.

  5. ...save, they won't let them cuss. (or cuss rarely){certainly no 'fuck'} FAMILY.
  6. ....the point was not that you like/dislike the band...they are 'fuckin'frieks'...&Disney put them out anyways...'cause the peoples wanted it. Disney looked at the content of the music, not the outward appearance of the band.
  7. Fixed...& totally correct. ...also fixed...& totally correct. You two Ladies just saved me an hour of sifting through me thoughts...here's to the wavelength. *lifts the chalice*
  8. How about that? I got a couple of my frieks to join up with me to rap, chant, sing, & otherwise enlighten you in a loud manner...The Dolls Of The New Apocalypse, will uncover many mysteries... ....alas...our guitarist (just spoke with him) will be out of town. ...we might not be able to replace him...but, we might. G*D knows. ...that's oK...we will still jar your cerebral cortex. Of this, I am assured.
  9. I miss Miss Ryle Hira... ...also, I miss my daughter.
  10. Lily Livered Means cowardly. People once believed that your passions came from you liver. If you were lily livered your liver was white (because it did not contain any blood). So you were a coward. Yellow Bellied A plausible source is the medieval theory of medicine that assumed there were four humors (fluids) in the body. These determined the physical and mental condition of the person. If they got out of balance, you got sick or went crackers. The four humors were blood, phlegm, black bile and yellow bile. Yellow bile (choler from the Greek kholos for gall) made you peevish, choleric, irascible. The disease cholera got its name from the symptom of, ah, yellowish diarrhea. From there to yellow as symbol of jealousy and inconstancy was a pretty easy step. ...so...in your sympathetic epitaph...you are being overly redundant... ...& Gothika...that sux...
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