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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. I am fed up with the left / right phenomena...argument for argument & mud sling for mud sling...seriously..I have been dealing with it nearly all my life...both sides, need to 'man up', & take a few steps inward...THE ANSWER, IS WITHIN. (ZEN saying)... nothing will ever 'come together', if we can't 'shoot the middle', & by, that, I mean 'split the difference'...because, until we do, our differences will be splitting us!
  2. Hedonism 95% Justice (Fairness) 90% Existentialism 85% Divine Command 80% Utilitarianism 65% Kantianism 55% Apathy 40% Strong Egoism 35% Nihilism 20% ...of course, I answered according to my own philosophy...I, like Joey, am at my very core, close to 100% Nihilist..because, well, nothing, does matter, everything will keep on going till the whole programme, is played out, & all participants, will in eventuality, play every part..so saith the TAO...& the science.
  3. ...don't forget the splinters!..who the fuck leaves splinters on a wall, FOR YEARS??
  4. IT WOULD SEEM..... .....WE SHOULD BE MAKING AN APPEARANCE THIS WEEK..... It is our seventh anniversary... (Great idea Iris.)
  5. VISTA *slowgerk* Thanx GRG...I could not nav that process... TROY...just you get to it when you can..I would not want to push you, so close to the edge...
  6. I have to take me Junior to school at the now, be back soon to give it a go! (I did not know what that button was for )
  7. Um....no, Troy, I have to scroll right to click the "View New Content", or to finish reading posts.
  8. Oi vey...you think there is a button for that, in the confusingly useful configs?
  9. We'll be out & about soon enough..been savin' the pennies for a move...
  10. Ok..long story-short, to much of a good thing, can kill you. ..just enough of the right thing, applied incorrectly, will result in the same... LONGER VERSION... *Think on this with me... ..yeah, how long are you IN the shower? ...how do you BREATHE in the shower? ..regular, or like you're hitting a cigarette, do you even know how a cig is hit? YOU SUCK IT! ...there is a difference between how you breathe, & how you hit a cig...AND you hold it in a bit too. EXTENDED, REGULAR use of these things, can fuck you up. (Why are they banned in so many other countries?) ALSO, there is not nicotine, & aforementioned trace elements, in the shower steam (There are chemicals in the e-cig). HERE'S a cool experiment you can do, instead of relentlessly arguing me. ..go get a humidifier, & hook up a hookah hose to it somehow (I'ld go straight for the duct tape)...MAKE SURE IT IS GOOD & SEALED, & THAT'S IT'S FULL OF WATER...now, sit there & suck it...suck it all night long...suck it for 10 minutes every 45 minutes or so, just do this with 6 hours a night for about 5 to 9 days...maybe, you'll know what I'm talkin' about... I see it this way; I started smokin' one, for a long weekend, I had yellow goobies, & a slightly sore throat...3 days...& I only smoked the thing at Dirty Show, & in Iris's car (is non-smoker, I am a generally polite smoker)... You heard about Duck..he's normally a cigar & cigarette smoker...HE, went near two months smokin' that puffpuffmachine... Do I plan on using my puufpuffmachine again?...damnedstraight...not days in a row like I did, but if I have a show, I'm gonna' needs to pass this fucker around with me boys back stage, & on stage...'cause, well, we all have a touch of the stage anxiety, (I think, all the greats do)...& this here, bullshite-designed-to-ruin-every-other-aspect-of-my-life, got passed, NOT BY THE PEOPLES, but by politicians..
  11. What do you want?

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