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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. Oh...I see...I'll have the Wife aid me later... ...I remember there is a section (in 'Settings' on DGN) where it lists all of your attachments... ...& numbers them...perhaps there is a limit, or it is broken...
  2. Well, you know...when you recite it on a regular basis, you know...you start lookin' up words & such...the peoples above me think it's a good point to joke about...Oh well...I prefer jokes like: OH...I'll take that Dewar's, & for a beer, I'll have me favorite: BEER,nobeer,extrawhiskey... ...not so much the jokes in Washinton D.C.
  3. PST... J. Edger Hoover...J, for John ...& yup, I'm a total dork like that... .......& UM...how did you think it would end? (You know, it's a true story right?)
  4. You are the most Darling lil' Lady.

  5. I just saw a chihuahua telling about how, his pedigree dog food, was not only nutricious, but also helped him poop optimumly...that now, not only was he a good pooper, but he was an OPTIMUM POOPER...
  6. Been meaning to log in at the coffee house & tag that...don't want to flag my exact local...I'm just weird like that...I could bug a friend to do this...& I'll PM O_M_G this thread...(I do that when she is busy at the work, which she is)
  7. TM, did you read the bill thingy? You know I did not... I haven't got a translator, nor, a bank account...Hm, I wonder if THAT'S why I don't give 2-squirts... ...& I saw a quote from the bill, that's not opinion...that's a fact to back his stance (opinion) in this here DEBATE (argument)...but, again, I don't care...I just want to know, does it cover DENTAL!??!?!
  8. NONE of these bills are easy to understand...that's part of the 'magic-trick' that our politics & bureaucracy have become.
  9. I really do need to meet this cat...
  10. ...a bit, "not so good".....I miss my Spawn...it is a travesty that she does not get to know me, & that she is being taught to hate against difference.. not to love the similarities...
  11. Hey, next time you see me in person (like at poetry) say hi..I did not know it was a You there...just thought I had a couple of newbs...very interested newbs...I don't hardly ever talk to peoples I only just met seriously...

  12. Oh...so, peoples will pay for what they should...Hmm...now, I hear (see) how the Rightys are spinnin' it...the spin is just to scare the middle-roaders onto the Right...not much that'll do at the current junction...
  13. "ripples in time" Sweet...you can do anything, anytime...just, the focuses get all meh... ...so sad to hear....hope you are able to save up for a new rig soon!
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