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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. http://www.michigan.gov/documents/mdch/E_cig_factsheet_for_SF_law_website_FINAL_320296_7.pdf They changed it...it DID say that they were illegal.
  2. Did you read the fact sheet? Just because they are not legal, does not mean that there is a code to enforce it, nor does it mean that it is enforced (as of yet, but, trust, they'll get to it, one way or the other)... ...blowjobs are illegal in MI, you know...so is anal sex... THEY, don't really enforce that, or they'ld have to arrest every single gay man.
  3. ...& the nicotine isn't the health concern, it's water vapor, by habitual users.
  4. Electronic Cigarettes (E-cigarettes) Factsheet That's just what I read on this website here: www.michigan.gov But what could they know? I won't tell on you
  5. ...c'mon...I'll cook, if you clean!
  6. That's great news! I feel motivated towards carpentry...
  7. Hey...just bein' helpful :)

  8. THAT...is wisdom! ...I'ld personally help out, but, it's a bit far away...
  9. ...ya'll probably wouldn't get it...but, I'll share none the less... What WICCA really was, Shamanic Traditions, TAO, ZEN, the NAZIR OATHS of the prehistorical Hebrews, the Vratya, & all the interesting evidence that supports one proto-religion...
  10. (book 1) ...born of deception, suckled on darkness, reared on chaos and disorder, fed lies... (book 2) ...the child of the dark moon thirsted for knowing, and hungered for light... (book 3) ...well nourished, the child, grown, was now fit to wage war on darkness...
  11. ..g'luck wit' that!...don't cut to deep!
  12. I have coffee...MMMMM. ..but, for more...I shall have to procure some cream chocholate milk!
  13. ...& thunder clapped as I posted .....I am SO 'the goth' sometimes...
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