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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. oOps...

    ...yeah, you should pop in more the often...

    ..we'll talk about it...

  2. ...I should maybe sit down a while & watch a Buffy...(my new dork fix.)
  3. I think that the-e found REV's new hero...
  4. Lucifer is not the greatest one for a child in this day & age of the New-inquisition...I do like Lucian though (I think the conjugation implies "of the light") GREAT NAME... ...I am going to recommend naming boys after Virtues (like, I'm Reverence), there are far to many girls named for the virtues, & they rarely act properly for their name...& they are all the same names Faith, Hope, Charity, Chastity & Patience... There are words that mean these things in other languages... ...Oh yeah, CONGRATULATIONS!
  5. ...like I am almost ready to go & get some veggies...
  6. I often wear mis-matched military surplus clothing...& nearly ALWAYS have boots on, be they the scout-type-silent-moving-moccasins...or more blatantly combat boots... ...my signature t-shirt is a tye-dye... ...I fight ignorance at every turn...I am known to champion for just & right things... I even have a pose, & a cape (for those types of events that warren such garments.) *ACTION READY POSE*
  7. Wierd...they just were not there...

  8. Where's you comments?

  9. I'm not shrinking...but, I've only been off of meat for a couple of weeks... ...yup, side effect from my Spiritual fasting off of meat, is that I loose a pant size or two... ..then, I'll be 'perfect'...as, there is still this tiny pinch of chub left over...
  10. Oh...& hope your dinner thing goes nicely...

  11. Hallow sweetness...

    Can't wait for Friday!


  12. *skips in* ...I feel like skipping! *skips out merrily*
  13. Hey snoochie!

    You busy with the sale?

  14. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH~! I am awake, & well!
  15. *sais a prayer for Angel to get her wings*
  16. ...just think...if he was honest, & they weren't selfish... they could have had a blast ...thank you, that is all.
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