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IP.Board Lo-Fi
DGN Darker
If it don't say DGN are going blind right now trying to look at the page, we all know you have those sensitive shark eyes...
Look to see if that helps...then, look into the thread which I will give a link to in a moment...I KNEW where it was, lemme' go dig...
Every time I see this word "Hocico" I crack up...I have NO CLUE how to say it... That's funny to me I know how to say almost anything...& the double set of oc & co are HELL on the tad bit of the dyslexia that ever bothers me...but, if I STARE at that word (how I usually read words that give me trouble) I can WATCH as the 'c' 'o' 'o' 'c' switch back & forth thus:
(edit to add ^^^^^ looks fuckin' cool)
I found, that, if I were to close an eye...they stop.
Thought that would amuse some peoples...
The VA has to deal with DOUBLE {or TRIPLE, maybe even QUADRUPLE} BUREAUCRACY...that is, the Hospital, Provider, Armed Force the vet is a vet of, to get a procedure done.
The problems seem to be, greed & bureaucracy...
...well, that's how I see it.
...I'll write you a REALLY nice campaign song, & be one of those peoples on the big stage patting your NEED those...I have it in good authority, I could pull a BIG PART of the 'friek-vote' for you...'cause, I have the SAME complaint...they were arguing & being dinks BEFORE I could even understand that there were only 2 parties...
...& I gave e a +1...'cause he's almost always right on the pulse with these things...
...& fer the Celts's Lughnassaghd {probably jacked that spelling, 12 ways to spell a word, you'ld think I'ld know 1 after 15 years of celebrating it}...Lugh's Day, that is...& he's the baddest assed Celt there were...he's a scrapper for real...they called him a god he was so baddassed!~ WOOO~~~
I feel pretty damned good