So...there was the elderly couple whom shuffled loose the mortal coil together...& we neared to off topic the thread; so, here's a new one JUST FOR THAT...(more animals to be added soon!)
(edit for spelling)
Jinxxedangel & I were onto the birds...& I thought, due to the 'massive flocking habits' of the Raven's flock (properly termed a 'Murder') that the Raven was not one of the 'monogamous birds' (there are many)...I find through a lil' deeper research, I was mistaken......that is to say, that though they travel in a Murder & nest in pairs, these pairings change year to year.
This is called 'bird-monogamy'
Below quote from: (free link here)
Seems that an awful large part of the water fowl population falls into the ACTUAL
'life mates' category...