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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. BEST POLL EVER! You Are Buffy the Vampire Slayer "We saved the world. I say we have to party." Fuck yeah! I always say: "LET THEM EAT STAKE!"
  2. *wonders where the water is going*
  3. I'll call the person I know & see if they can do it! (They are not a habitual poster, but they are on board.) ...& Damn...I needs to see about gettin' me a stamper-stamper-thingy...
  4. *sits in canoe waits for coffee delivery*
  5. So...there was the elderly couple whom shuffled loose the mortal coil together...& we neared to off topic the thread; so, here's a new one JUST FOR THAT...(more animals to be added soon!) (edit for spelling) Jinxxedangel & I were onto the birds...& I thought, due to the 'massive flocking habits' of the Raven's flock (properly termed a 'Murder') that the Raven was not one of the 'monogamous birds' (there are many)...I find through a lil' deeper research, I was mistaken......that is to say, that though they travel in a Murder & nest in pairs, these pairings change year to year. This is called 'bird-monogamy' Below quote from: http://www.wild-bird-watching.com/ (free link here) Seems that an awful large part of the water fowl population falls into the ACTUAL 'life mates' category...
  6. Yes...this reminds me...Eagles do that... ....funny, Ravens don't do it. *runs off with pile of research links to start new thread*
  7. ..& if it IS scary; you like it anyways This is like Songbirds & Carrier Pigeons; I think many birds do this.
  8. Reverence...workin' on it Would you dye your skin blue, if there were a safe manner to do it with permanence? (there is, I would, & I plan to, later on in life)
  9. ...& she is part of the We whom are the Knights of Me...like she said... .......furthermore...I am the Knight of I (pronounced 'eee')..... That all being said: .......I fart in your general direction!
  10. Like some one is grabbin' my chesticles & kissy-kissy on me neck....I think I picked a GOOD dinner tonight...
  11. *points-at-you*

    Necroposter :p

  12. ... a ritual majik ceremony to aid HW in his near constant goal restated ^there^
  13. I said it elsewhere...but, to 'Wrekkie'...Dude; that was sweet...you are truly the bestest for our Sister Angel...may you find the Strength of Will & the Power of Love to 'untwist-the-jinx' that has been with her so long it has become her moniker; I am behind you 100% any time, any how.
  14. *pants*



  15. That shit almost killed me...
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