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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. See...I knew I heard that SOMEWHERE!~
  2. O_M_G has one of these...I tend to cocoon myself into a blanket most nights...so, my knees don't touch already..have you seen these boney things? If I roll over with out a blanky, they smack together. I have awakened meself this way...hard to sleep after one of those...
  3. *makes a zombie face*


  4. Physics is SO cool! SO...I'm sure these big bad gun enthusiasts are feelin' REALLY great after they let girls hurt themselves firing high caliber pistols without the proper knowing. Did you see their form? BENT ELBOWS??? Fuck The What?
  5. The point of O'Reilly & Limbaugh (& their ilk) is that just as you have said, every viewer has the choice to switch the channel...but, many do just the opposite, they tune in, to hear these guys rant like some Preacher against whatever group they hate...these peoples in turn, repeat these things like trained parrots...so, now, we have ignorant peoples spewing the hateful garbage that slightly more charismatic but still ignorant peoples made up..this is demagoguery..& is starting to edge into cultdom. I have been paying attention for most of my days you know, to those that would hate me...& THEY do
  6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CUZ!!! Many more...bunch of best wishes...& the best part is...only 10 more years till you can date boys!
  7. Pretty certain it is not that reflux thing... ...for one, me Wife can feel the knots...& she has applied herbals to it many times...it just locks back up...I am studying the way I sleep (position)...I think I will try a new pillow .....what's that thing? I feel great...still! ...* horny.
  8. I'm freaking GREAT! Except for the tiredness, sore shoulder, & back ache that has been my buddy for like, 4 months...it's gettin' pretty tight by now, can't seem to loose it up nor really stretch it out...but, meh, I'm tough.
  9. How can they? I mean...if they had CCTV like in Brittan...cool..if not..that ain't how it works in these here courts..... do they have pics?
  10. Um...I was totally backin' you up on that ma'man...hence the :rofl: You didn't need to say Vegan Quick...e...let's get out of this room before we get sucked in & all angst-y!
  11. *na-na-ha-ha-voice* Oh yeah...well.....that mean you will miss the popcorn & dragon movie on Syfy... ...but, I'll be waiting for you when you get home... ...just maybe neked, & passed out in a pool of butter...
  12. I think they need to give out licenses to use those things...have you heard the country & soul singers using them? ...I think stuff is good, & things are better!
  13. Hm...what can these fine peoples hope to attain by 'ragging' about this state of affairs... ...depends on to whom the complain, & how often; coupled with how many peoples they get to complain with them & how "loud" the group gets. Here, I think that they are having a smash-up of a debate...& in good form from what I see. This kind of open minded debate/discussion is what the Fathers founded this country for.
  14. Awe...Um..how do you wish someone a happy birthday when their beloved-happiness-giver is so far away.... HA! (an answer from our Irish sides) HERE'S I, WISHIN' YOU GET TO PISSED DRUNK; WITHOUT GETTIN' ANY PISS ACTUALLY ON YOU!
  15. You WANT sad..?..um, here ya' go! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2vguoy2aAY
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