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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. She incorporated a bit of humor into her act...do not underestimate the power of a laugh
  2. Isn't exactly what it seems... ...you can not sleep whilst therein...
  3. ..nope...taught meself mostly. If you could scramble over this way, I'ld be happy to show you the basics that I know....just not very soon, I'm a busy Goat as of late.
  4. Just as valid as any addiction... ......is there no heart inside those creatures?
  5. {Yes, odd mood...I feel older than usual.}
  6. Never heard of it...Good Girl Eevee... *pats head* I'll check it out soon! (maybe tonight with the Ladies.) {Yes, odd mood...I feel older than usual.}
  7. Oh..I was sure of that..on a W-morning...

    Just had not much to say...

  8. Oddest thing about that song is...it's a NIN tune...HE covered Trent ...BUT...near everyone I have heard talkin' about it in the past few months (QUITE A FEW) thought it was Johnny's own stuff (even some dumb kid I just saw on youtube playing Hurt lists it as a Johnny Cash cover) ...but, knowing what it is about (all to well)...it is a sad happening no matter who sings it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFx2TmQfM-o
  9. ...where are you Luv?

  10. Awe man...that's the first day of Rosh Hashanah...I don't know if I can make it No, really...I'm fine...I think this falls under the "whateva' makes you happy Sweet" grouping...
  11. That's a pretty flier gkytten...especially the colour choice
  12. Wasn't...but, now I am...LOOK WHAT YOU DID!
  13. I think you are just jealous of all that $$$ Depp pulls in... ...not to mention the TAIL...
  14. A dedication..goin' out to me Ol'Lady, & Our lil'Lady
  15. *kizzes for my strong lil' Lady*

  16. Fuck yeah! I get to be Alice! {yes, I will.} *runs off to PM link to Miss~R~H*
  17. An emo being sad! ...& I think We made him cry!{well, I'll bet a shiny quarter}
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