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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. Nobody 'demanded enough'...they want 'the easy way'... ..& I still refute, the media are a big bunch of asshats on this one...it happened on the 20th of APRIL...& as of a week ago...these were the headlines, media taking cracks at media: http://www.salon.com/news/opinion/feature/2010/05/05/politics_oil_spill_crude_politics More of the same sensationalist bullshite. http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5hPxFwKyoLhez0ermEP-qus2pn9uwD9FLT1O82 OOO..interesting... http://www.inthenews.co.uk/news/business/new-evidence-on-oil-rig-disaster-points-to-faulty-valve-$21377429.htm ...UM..DUH. http://www.glgroup.com/News/Gulf-Oil-Rig-Disaster----Grossly-Underestimated-Watch-Tanker--MS-River-Traffic-48319.html http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703339304575240513356154980.html?mod=WSJ_hpp_MIDDLENexttoWhatsNewsSecond I'm not for, nor against drilling... ...I am against stupidity, & destroying the planet before we get to hand it down to the next generation (& I am all about fish dinner for less than $50 a plate).....I'm saying, they should have had a way to close this leak, before they cut the hole...you CAN blast it shut...but, from what I understand, that'll destroy the well, & they spent so much time & money doing it, they want to save the hole...fuck that, I say...blast it, & start cleaning, & get to starting again...they really could have laid charges before drilling, so if there was fail-safes that failed (HAHAHA) they could just shut the hole as soon as the leak happened........to bad......the whole world could be destroyed from this 1 grab at power... Ewige Blumenkraft und ewige Schlangenkraft!
  2. The collective THEY (gov'ment-what-made-drilling-there-legal, drilling company, corporations owning said oil field) COULD HAVE, in fact, had the methods for clean up 'on the ready', & at least PLANS to clean it up, BEFORE they started drilling..."you have to have bleach & rags to clean a kitchen, before you make a mess of it"... INSTEAD...we have THEM, & the media running around trying to FIGURE OUT what to do to contain it. Yes, though, I'ld have to say, they should have known that already..it's basic probability.
  3. WRONG, SIR! ...we ALL should have known that it would happen sooner or later...it did not surprise me in the least...
  4. Either am I That's why I'm diggin' for 2012 already...but, this guy really seems to split the difference between Republican & Libertarian, & he gets called 'Liberal' by a lot of peoples I'ld call douchebags anyhow...& THAT, is worth a whole bunch in this world based on hate... "My enemy's enemy, is my friend."
  5. ON Marijuana: LEGALIZE IT! NEVER gonna' be legal for you to get impaired, & get behind the wheel of a car...never gonna' be legal for the kids to smoke pot...but, look let's tax it & control it. ON drugs: LEGALIZE THEM! A shift in the way we look at drug use, let's look at drug use as a health problem first, not as a criminal justice problem.. ...HALF of what we spend on law enforcements, courts, & prisons, is drug related...
  6. I think it's hilarious how everyone seems to be friekin' out... ..they KNEW there was a possibility of a spill...as there is ALWAYS a possibility... ..oh, did they "Believe The HYPE"? NEVER FORGET THE MOST IMPORTANT THING THAT PUBLIC ENEMY TAUGHT US... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6BJ3CvPLhs
  7. This guy is all about a bunch of cool stuff. ..saw him on the Colbert show. http://www.johnsonforamerica.com/
  8. 7 members, 22 guests, 1 anonymous users | Show by: Last Click or Member Name DJ Saint, StormKnight(+), Google, Yahoo, prick(3), Iris, Raev(4), Oh_My_Goth(+), TitsMcGee(+), Ask Jeeves
  9. Holy crap...why did I not know these dudes back when they came out :(
  10. I feel she posted at me #1 fav time...
  11. Ouch...me back isn't out, but it ain't in...

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