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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. I have equipments..& needles..sterile & sealed..
  2. ..it would seem to me, that when one hits the view new content button, the new DGN will filter out the topic you just posted in, whilst I can see how this MIGHT be seen as a benefit to some peoples...I do not see it as such. When I posted a new thread before, I liked that I could watch the # of views it had gotten...I watch the Lurkerz you know.....GOTTA' HAVE A HOBBY!
  3. Grrrr...there would seem to be a lag in the time it takes this new system to register new content...that is ANNOYING...how are we going to play the games we have invented? Like, "What Would You Do With The Person Above You?" The lag is OVER half an hour...
  4. HAHAHA!

    I'm lookin' at you...lookin' at me! HAHAHAHA!

  5. Goto Scotland...really Brittan, but, that'll be the HIGH POINT... Ever dance neked in the rain?
  6. Oi vey...I feel awfully tired for being so awake...
  7. Yeah...I noticed...this is a test, for me new shade, till we get our CHARCOAL BACK! I think I'll go with the olive *GoatyGrin*
  9. ? ...oK.....where's my colour button...... Oh...oK...now; let's get the charcole back drop rolled back in here...whilst I go figure the rest of this shit out, so as for to be able to answer questions as well as possible OH SHIT! Is there no top of page button?
  10. ..certainly not the next 3 hours of travel...after that..that's the good part
  11. Oh yeah...we did...didn't we? I like crushing her...
  12. Having seen wind farms first hand in the Cali...I have to stop your rant dead in it's trax Candy...it is a beautiful sight to see them all spinnin'...BUT, I think you just want to argue with someone..SO, carry on.
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