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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. Sci fi is changing to SyFy...but...they are doing Alice in Wonderland, for a mini-series...I thought you'ld like to hear of it...

  2. Oh, well...I'll just have to be the "super smooth"...
  3. ...smash broken electronics whilst sampling the noise...use said noise as a beat...& record the images for a video for youtube...Scales may want in on this mission...so we'ld have to call him too.
  4. Maybe so, but, I'll have much done in a few short hours...I think you MAY want to leave a bit early..if possablez...
  5. ?? Huh, I did not see such words...& me disrespectful? no. Not to the dead...it is not for us to Judge him...he is at the Seat Of The Divine...well, on his way...with my prayers to aide him to speed. Like anyone else...even when Saddam died..I prayed. Nice way to put that. I was lost for it, in yesterday's heat... Yeah...gotta' have 'not normal'...lest we as a race get boring... ..& yeah..."DEATH-ZONE" works for me.... ...reports say about $400 million. "Severance Package" = Free ticket to Oprah.
  6. ..ZEN sais that suffering is how the Soul learns...that is why cancer hurts, I am certain of this. She was a sweetie from what I gathered...I pray her speedyness in the crossings.
  7. ...wondering when we get a transporter!
  8. ..caught up in a whirlwind of super coolness....
  9. ..tell him it's just like the one we had when we worked online as fetish-monkeys. ....but, that I prefer an 8 footer...more precision, easier... ...we should do a coffee day next week.
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