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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. ...it's hot now...but I still feel pretty fuckin' great!
  2. ooOOoo~ cool! is it big? (I am scared of tiny boats)
  3. She's deceptive like that......she's really the Great White Cabbit... (Same basic idea..but it's half-cat...so fishes will trap it as easy as a carrot.) ...is this a thread jacking...or is this the right thread to banter as such?
  4. ...& you just dragged I further in... ...since I would not have even had this thought with out you (my fav frieks)... oK...what if a certain vet...REALLY liked his job? Would it be illegal JUST because he liked getting the dogs off?
  5. ..just about fainting several times in rapid succession...
  6. S~W~EE~T! *faints* *gets up & makes post...probably to faint again*
  7. ...almost ready to do the dishes...but I believe a cig is in order first...
  8. .....'cause I'm part psychic... ...& really, what else IS there to say right then? ...other than maybe, "Pass the Scotch!"
  9. I did that before...tasted like bacon!... .........that's when I came up with the idea for bacon & tuna casserole!MMMMMMMHMMMMGUD!
  10. ...dreamy...the heat is not to bad today...the humidity COULD drop though.
  11. ...FINE!!!...I will! ..............you're just gonna' make me carry them anyways!
  12. Maybe after next year I was already thinkin' on it...
  13. They don't stop the blikin'...but that would have worked for the sunlight, heh?


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