You want to know something... WAS mentioned, & totally overlooked, & it's some REAL LIFE BigBrother can go smoke in the casinos...because they put the cash into pushing this through.
You MAY NOT open a NEW cigar bar *EVER*...the existing ones, are grandfathered in (if they close, they close){if we are LUCKY, you can sell the papers on it}...& douchemagnets, as our Club populous would, in order to smoke, I have to risk all that that entails...
OH...but, now...that guy that eats a bigmac a day, & never moves his ass further than the car, or work...HE IS gonna' effect you...HEALTHCARE BILL thingy...
Now, when he needs a by-pass, YOU & I get to pay for it if he can't..ever see the statistics for obesity in poor areas???