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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. This: ...is exactly why they don't want to be a state...I would conject. ...aside from TAX...
  2. Oh well...seems there is a mass rash of rudeness goin' on as of late...I have to deal with it just about everytime I log on DGN anymore...thought I'ld give back.
  3. Oh...that never bothers me when I'm at a non-smoker's house... ...I was more worried about having to FIND a spot I could smoke at...but, HUZZAH, the law clearly states 'outside'.
  4. I just KNEW that I did not come up with that one... ...O_M_G & I have been watching SLIDERS on hulu sometimes lately...
  5. naw...that's barbaric...how about you need license for burgers..."I can haz cheeseburger!"-license...if you have one, you can order one...IZ like cigar bars..?
  6. Poor, pooooor, Senior Citizens...live in a home, go out to smoke... That's a Commandment Breaker...
  7. Yeah...now, you will be able to smell the mildewing in the drywall, & where the celing has been leaking for four years or more...& stale beer, & vomit...oh,& the BO, don't forget about the BO...
  8. Michigan's Smoke Free Air Law Electronic Cigarettes (E-cigarettes) Factsheet Now, I have not read all of this info yet...so I'll not comment...yet.. ..but, I will take a second, to ask that please, do not detract from the serious conversation, with derisive, & non-constructive comments (that we already have a thread or two full of) that would debase, demoralize, or otherwise depress us smokers, that are already pushed about to our limits with such & such...let's not compare, & contrast...let's just look at the 'new game rules'...k? THANX!
  9. Hey, I have KNOWN I'm stinky...I smell like an OLDSCHOOL PAGAN...so what, they don't calls me Goat fer nothin'!
  10. http://www.tctimes.com/articles/2010/04/28/news/doc4bd75045b0e70469084988.txt Sais that there is no limit on feet away from a building...but many peoples, I TRUST, & KNOW...state that it is 100 feet...I am currently looking for the info, because, I kinda' need to know...
  11. http://www.michiganpolicy.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=693:michigan-smoking-ban-exemptions-and-enforcement&catid=43:health-care-policy-briefs&Itemid=159 OOOH SNAP!
  12. You want to know something... ..it WAS mentioned, & totally overlooked, & it's some REAL LIFE BigBrother shit...you can go smoke in the casinos...because they put the cash into pushing this through. You MAY NOT open a NEW cigar bar *EVER*...the existing ones, are grandfathered in (if they close, they close){if we are LUCKY, you can sell the papers on it}...& douchemagnets, as our Club populous would say...so, in order to smoke, I have to risk all that that entails... OH...but, now...that guy that eats a bigmac a day, & never moves his ass further than the car, or work...HE IS gonna' effect you...HEALTHCARE BILL thingy... Now, when he needs a by-pass, YOU & I get to pay for it if he can't..ever see the statistics for obesity in poor areas???
  13. WOW, I haven't heard nothin' like that on DGN in quite a while...I accept, & reciprocate...
  14. ..oOps...I did not know that rudeness, was against the rules....
  15. ...I am none to amused.

  16. MODS: If'in I got a bit hard: oOps, I'm a Goat, &, at least, I had the presence of mind to do it in as many posts as I had thoughts...delete what your fuhrer instructs you to, I understand your submissive positions
  17. Ok...when one has been sober for over a month, their tolerance, like, goes away...it's like, 'reset'...
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