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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. ...dudes... ..um.......I don't know how to say this...but..um...ya'll NEED to edit betta'...I was attempting to read the piece by Cix (& it is imaginative & all the good things I could say, not to descriptive, but still vivid)...there are a large number of grammatical errors, & some semantic breaks (wrong words for usage). ..."princes" should have apostrophe... ..in a church or a temple, we prAy (not prey, we leave that to the dirty Catholics, right?)... ...god, in Perfect god, should really be caps, it is a proper noun... ...a Tomb is where you put dead peoples, a Tome is a big ass book you might read in a monastery or at my house... (Yeah, I know the last on is fairly stringent grammar on my part...but I notice these things, 'cause I read allot of dusty old books with the English from England of about an-hundred years ago...& more.) I out of Love & a Will to see my friends & acquaintances look as good as they can... LUVZYOUZ!
  2. *prays the Way REV is known for praying when clothed*

  3. *prays the Way REV is known for prying when clothed*

  4. ^^^read it again luv...I hadz edit for more & you stole me words
  5. ...Scottish for "man bag"...holds down the kilt (in case of breezes)...& anything you might need a pocket for...
  6. ..'cause if you put Gothic Porn into a search engine...you will undoubtedly arrive at a place called "Goth Bang"...(oOps..it is not Liz Vicious on that site{but she ain't helpin'}).....whell, this is a site where this deranged lil' slut with NO CLASS..walks up to 3-7 prep/jock/fake-assed-gangbangers...& she lets them all fuck her...well...however they want...the hair pulling, cock choking..up the butt...callin' her a slut, whore, bitch (& worse)...all the while she is SO into the degradation...& the site is linked EVERYWHERE that sais "GOTH" & "PORN"... ...now...not to say that I am not into such things...but you know what...she sold the goth image for a few $ & now ya'll pay more than that...now..when ever THESE BOYS (read douchebags) see you all...they see her...Gee..I wonder why so many will be so bold now-a-days...not enough bloody noses & black eyes anymore...
  7. Nice avatar ;}

    He made me giggle!

  8. ...when the minutes drag... ...know I think with you of positive things...Oh, & be assertive!
  9. Haunted, When The Minutes Drag ~Love & Rockets(Yup, onto a guitar kick right now..as long as it's dark & not to angry!)
  10. I knew where it was...I was bitchin' for it to come back! Maybe if we blared The Misfits (like in the old days) the "douche-populous" would be "un-nerved" & we would not have to listen to our Ladies & Girls bitch & moan about being groped every other time they walked in there. ...& I still blame Liz Vicious...
  11. ..'cause you're a freikin' DORK! 23 guests, 2 members, 3 anonymous members Yahoo.com, Google.com, GothicRavenGoddess (3), Spook
  12. ...off to sleep~sleep wit' me lil' horns...
  13. There is nothing there! Ask a mod for held doll...it ain't as easy as it seems
  14. ...it all happened so fast...like a merry-go-round set on "fling-you-to-the-ground".. ..but you know..Troy & O_M_G did this....I just had an idea...family-style-bbq-@-the-park...it'll be great! Ya'll will show right???
  15. O_M_G is just gettin' out of the shower...I'll force her into the computer station, & post the pertinent information.
  16. Takin' a break from programming th' 909...listening to other peoples repetitive beats
  17. Like the beat master of the century...(I do note the early stages of this century's lifespan are just beginning.)
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