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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. ..makin' up another really great (no'-a-reggae) song...of unknown & yet to be discovered dark-ghetto-genre...
  2. <-----Wants to visit Russia now. WOAH! ALL the people's pictures are totally hot! Totally fuckin' hot!
  3. ...lil' bit harsh there luv...but yeah...back in the day...the "douchebags" as they are often referred to, were unheard of... ...let alone there being 100 "norms" as we used to call them...& sheesh..they never had the annoyingness they have now... At least they SEEMED to want to get into the scene...they were kinda' fun/funny...you know..it is a hillarity to be the one who gets togo & tell your new friend, "Um...white tennis shoes & a black gypsy skirt is..um..shit, it's not how it's done! Come pick me up on Tuesday...we'll go boot shopping! NOW, these "douchbags" are after one thing...ass. I blame Lis Vicious...
  4. You look like a cat!

    A cat I once knew...

    ..in a wooded glade...

    He was insane...

    ..are you?

  5. Yup...he is held to excellence...by his honor...that's the only thing I demanded of him..that he possess honor. Everything else if falling in behind that nicely.
  6. ...but you do not even know the people that we think are actually COOLER than us (yeah, I know, unbelievable)...but they won't come because they do not want their pictures taken... ...though..some of them are dead..& some are on the other side of the country...but some of them don't want their pictures taken.
  7. ...reading...listenin' to some jams...cookin' a chicken pot pie...wondering how the fuck it got to be 2:00pm...
  8. Huh...? I don't get it...it's too hard to read, I don't know all the vocab... If I am to be concerned.....can one of you undoubtedly better nerds than I come over for dinner & fix my 'puter?
  9. That's so cool...those other looks, they are "the jealousy" I think that shit is funny...if someone wants to be great..why don't they?
  10. Oh...SNAP!...I have a great day today to be in here twice in 2 hours! I got a summon today... ...to goto a meeting...to talk to some guys...about some stuff...that's really important to us... .....I have been waiting for this for about 20 years. ...I almost put in an application on 3 separate occasions... ..I even picked out the ring I like the most...wanna' see it? It is...SO INDUSTRIAL...
  11. *AHEM* ...are any of them doing anything to make themselves happy? .....if they are not...fuck 'em...it ain't yer job. (I had to have this realization many years ago, or I would have lost my nut all together & forever.) (((HUGZ))) {{{KIZZES}}}
  12. Oh yes, like, I still helped the lil' old white lady up the bleachers...even though she was afraid to take my hand at first... ...always a fan of "shock" in my youth, I find I have not outgrown it...I just have a different approach to it now.
  13. HAHA......no, Kindergarten is not nap & color...anymore.....it is math, reading, music, gym, art, media (computers), & if they are lucky..outside recess! (I brag now) My kid can add, subtract, read, spell, & even solve for x in a sentence: 5+4=11-x I know adults that can not do that. It's like mini-high school now...but..I agree...I thought it a bit much when they walked in to Pomp & Circumstance... O_M_G said it was to make them look forward to the next grade, & comin' back. I at least get that. I like this line allot...'specially the white with w streak of yellow" Can I use that in a poem/lyric? I mean, would you mind?
  14. SO...there I am...at the assembly at the school...for kindergarten graduation commencements. O_M_G & I walk in & have a seat...as we do this..I can not help to notice that damned near EVERYBODY watched us do so, & NO ONE made it a nonchalant action...I understand this...we are colourful...& a slight oddity. What else I could not help to notice...is that most of the WHITE PEOPLES had this look on their face like someone had just feed them alum....some of them looked worse...& a small few (the ones with LOTS of tats stickin' out of their shirts) were just lookin'. WHILST the tremendous majority of the BROWN PEOPLES were smilin', noddin', wavin', or sayin' hellows...(nope, not a single whitey said hi.) NOW...I understand peoples that NEVER saw our familia before may act in a certain manner out of fear of the unknown...but, here is a group of peoples that have seen me many times (I don't miss ANY assemblies)...many have talked to me, albeit in passing, & out of extreme boredom or annoyance...when they were all alone...like, soccer mom lady loves to bitch about the principle & the rules she don't like, & how inconvenient it is that our kids class is late getting out...but, if there is ANYONE else to talk to..I AM AS A GHOST TO THEM...What The Fuck!?!?! SO, the thingy was over, & we are all waiting to get our kids & leave...many peoples were gathered...chattin'...peoples sayin' their good-byes to their acquainted peoples...this is the weird part...the white & brown crowds did not really talk or cavort at all...this is the funny part...not one white person (& I know some of them, & more of them know me) said shit to my fam...HOWEVER...just about every brown-mom (& the 3 dads that were there) I talked to the whole year waved, came & said, "See you next year?", nodded (it's a ghetto thing), or directly talked at me for a moment. This is the wackiest part...one of the Grandpas (he's dark brown) came up to me & gave me a stout handshake hug...FUCKED UP PART HERE...we carried on for a moment (we talk a bit every time we see each other)..& he made his way to the next peoples he was goin' to...I got half a dozen dirtier than normal looks...SERIOUSLY..I felt immediately ready to throw down these looks were so nasty. So...I guess I am BROWN-BY-ASSOCIATION...or Frieks are lower than Browns in the eyes of the racist/normalist peoples...
  15. Jr. Goat graduated from Kindergarten..with high honors, in academics, as well as citizenship...of course! You'ld think he picked 'Moral Focus' as a Major...
  16. Ew..I have always prefered the Saturday feel...all the peoepels of Hollygrove are generally hunged-ova' on Sundays .I'll call my other peoples today to find out when I have to go...
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