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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. Personal-scientific-mutha'-fuckin'-evidence, SIR... I have been on probation (for possession), & in my MANY YEARS as a High Priest in a Coven of the mixed Christian/Pagan WAY... have given much counsel to the saddened hearts of many Brethren that were also so disposed... YOU KNOW WHAT? Probation officers test you for shit, like at least monthly...& I didn't fail any of my tests...HMMM...I MAY JUST KNOW WHAT THE FUCK I'M TALKING ABOUT!!!!! As an Experienced Veteran, I had to stop smoking...& when you quit, well, no one around you does, so, I was exposed {plenty}...& I had to get tested...well, guess what, I passed, & with "Heavy Exposure"...yeah, less than locking yourself in a walk-in-closet, whilst a WHOLE BLUNT is passed isn't going to register; your point, is kinda' mute, scientifically speaking, as it were...& any of my Coven-Brethren Will back me.
  2. How the fuck am I hostile? What did I say to directly insult you? You don't like me delivery? Tough shit, I didn't like the way that you called 'bullshit'...
  3. Why do you attack 'my logic'? I am reporting what someone told me, that their doctor told them... Hmm...but, seeing as you read the response, I won't bother re-quoting it about all that what the Doctor said, nor will I note it that, it is OBVIOUSLY second hand info...DUH...& the way I got said info, would make it impossible to find a link... You want to doubt MY CREDIBILITY, yet, I am not supposed to take that personally? La-ti-fuckin'-DA!..n' I don't think so...this be the way I am, & I don't plan on changin'...& plenty of peoples love lil' ole defencive me. I didn't break any of the precious rules, so
  4. Chill man...read the thread, & I don't really give a fuck if you believe my (stated) second hand information. Vaporizer, & e-cig, vastly different tech...one, the herb goes in, the usable THC is vaporized; & in the other, the nicotine, suspended in a water solution...& it vaporizes that I haven't a clue what this blu-cig is...so, whateverz...
  5. I'm pretty sure, that it was pushed through, with $ from big casinos (note, they still have legal smoking there.), & under the cover of masses of media confusion.....like everytime they take a right away, or distort a privilage.
  6. HEY NOW...I try as well as I can, with what I can try with. ...do I care if I'm at a bar..?..nope...it's that 'free-zone'...if I accidentally exhale IN someone's face, I am apologetic, in the extreme... .....you know what....peoples really need to watch these mean spirited generalizations...it makes them seem like total XXXXXXXXXX.....
  7. ..that is ALL in the brain... ....if you are in a room with pot smoke, you do not test positive for THC, therefore, it must be in the head.
  8. Ah...when one studies the schools of thought side by side, one sees the parallels...if you do not look, you will not see.
  9. ...& though, I am no Republican, & certainly no conservative...I do just LOVE this new lil' cartoon me boys in the right-wing done drew up...
  10. ...like a brilliant dancing flame, in the darkness of the night... ..I guide the weary pilgrims back into the light... [edit for better colour]
  11. Oh...I see, you think, I am AGAINST Socialism...HAHAA! I've been calling for it, far longer than the likes of YOU. However, it is very unconstitutional (remember the piece of paper, MY forefathers fought to establish)...this is a Republic, not a Democracy. ALSO, if you think I never payed taxes, get bent, I worked fuckin' hard, & payed into the program that I receive benefits from!
  12. Hmmm...no, I don't HAVE a fucking LINK...this happened in REAL LIFE. Me Brother used that poof-poof machine for between 2-3 months, decided he would rather smoke, 'bout a month later, came down with very very bad tonsillitis, & was in hospital for days... ..said his Doc had been seeing this sort of thing...& the e-cig was the common variable. ...why would a Brother Mason lie about such a thing?..we are in the habit of Truth. .....you want to disbelieve I, go ahead, I'm the one who said the things probably have some huge drawback when they came out...took a bit longer for it to come out than I thought... ..oh, & my usage of the thing was very minimal...& it gave me a bit of a sore throat...I have a naturally phlegmy constitution...I suspect that if I used it regularly, it'ld take less than a month to fuck me up.
  13. Yeah...you'ld have thought, SHE would have at least stopped to drop a dime when she was where she was goin'...
  14. ...& I am conversating... ..you needs to stay/get on topic, & stop trying to compare thing that don't compare well, if at all.
  15. E-CIG UPDATE: IMPORTANT***** If you still have your TONSILS IN You CAN NOT use an E-CIG REGULARLY! The vapors will clog the pores in your tonsils.. ..by over watering them.. ...& give you a major case of tonsillitis... Brother Duck, almost died a few weeks ago...
  16. Oh..& my understanding of cigar bars, is that they will only be Grand-fathered in...so, good luck with that
  17. E-CIG UPDATE: IMPORTANT***** If you still have your TONSILS IN You CAN NOT use an E-CIG REGULARLY! The vapors will clog the pores in your tonsils.. ..by over watering them.. ...& give you a major case of tonsillitis... Brother Duck, almost died a few weeks ago...
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