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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. I don't hate peoples...but invariably find that I am disappointed in their judgment, disgusted by their rhetoric, & generally dissatisfied with the level of intellect they are willing to be happy with...I hate somethings that some humans do...that is not the same. When I do in fact find that I simply abhor (can be read as hate) somebody, I at least try to identify the behavior that is the root of this abhorrence, & if at all possible (if it is a buddy of mine) try to communicate this "perceived flaw" to them in a constructive manner, in an attempt to aid their journey in a positive manner...OR, I just don't talk to them anymore. Not really the text book case of "HATE" is it? Judgment...you don't want to hear it, but..."Judgment is reserved for G*D."....we all have the spark of G*D within us. .....you do the math...but you don't believe in the same Math.
  2. No sleep makes REV a wicked creature that spits spite, breathes malice & feeds on retribution.
  3. I knew Meg. I feel livid, low & alone.
  4. I'ld tell you...but I'm not sure how I feel...


  6. ..we'll be lookin' to make the second one more likely than not...Scotch in coffe is my fav...& I like pretty much any music with "-wave" in it
  7. 21 guests, 9 members, 1 anonymous members Yahoo.com, Google.com, Stymie, Jessika Fxckin rocks (1), DJDeadbeat, Darus313, MSN.com, Kaikai, IyokoKijo, DJ Saint, LadyKay, Jinx
  8. ..waitin' fer O_M_G to get done cleanin' the last wall so I can jump on her & "steal her donut"... t-hehehehahahaHA!
  9. Holy cripes! Spoon theft.."Them's fightin' werdz..."
  10. I know allot of animals that appear out of nowhere for meetings..
  11. VIDEO GAMES & THE JUKE-BOX!Like, bring them back..NOW.!.this is not a request..it is a formal demand!
  12. ..pretty damned good... ..finished another great tune to it's musikal entirety..now to the lyrics...
  13. ...I was very funny & made the emos laugh at coffee...
  14. THANX Luv...I do appreciate the sentiment...but you do know I am thourally unemployable in the public sector...but before that happened..O_M_G & I did make this arrangement..so I guess the kudo is warranted...she sais she could not do it..it would drive her madd to not see people all the time..I prefer it... the choosing when & whom I cavort with... ...& thanx for poppin' in on me now & again HH..I do love visits. ...& fixxed
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