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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. ..told ya' we had a WHOLE LOT in common... SO, (your post appeared as I was posting) am I correct to presume that Korea is not even a NEW war? LIKE, it never ended right? Just an armistice or a truce...which now broken...kinda' calls us on our HONOR to jump over there...yes???
  2. ..well, anytime Luv!

  3. That's oK...you pray to whoever...I'll pray to the Saints, the Prophets & The Almighty...
  4. *prays*What...I'm a compulsive pray-er... Do inform us as to the outcome would you?
  5. ..was this perchance a drunken post? ...what's a "push-me-pull-me"? "turnip carriage"? I am confused! Anyhow... saw one of my Brothers last night...he LOVED the photos...& the robes...he said the couple looks marvelous (ok..that's my word, but it was what he meant)...made us feel "COOL"...hope it carries to Our Good Couple, Marc & Nienna....mass props for Our Good Ninja Team!
  6. *scratches San Diego off of list of possible places to move* I Church at home, WAY more often than not. 3rd post...& I'll go there...what a bunch of fascist ass hats! I REALLY hope that these peoples get this sorted out...no government in our Churches.
  7. Then I feel good! *at Lurkerz* What...dudes can luv their Brotherz! (They betta')
  8. *communes with the Universe for a moment* ..um..after 4 so Junior can get started on the homeworks...4:27pm Sir...I'll be there then.
  9. ..feel like we shuld meet up for coffee in a while
  10. Oh-good...I haven't the time at the now for another set of Holy Obligations...
  11. I only feel half-daft as I WAS thinkin' that a possible cause was a RELAPSE (those dudes have been PRETTY SOBER for years) ..but I had no bets placed....there's a thousand things a man his age can go in for... I am seriously glad it was not drug induced...Gen-X has suffered enough by those methods. Is there any report of how well he is recovering from surgery?
  12. ..perhaps that is why you have not been posting enough lately...you coulda' BEEN SpamMaster by now...
  13. The Universe don't hate you...it just wants you to be TUFF! *warface* (edit: misspelled tuff as tough...if you know the difference..then you know.)
  14. *chokes on coffee* *goes into high alert mode* *gets out crop for helping teach lessons* ..Ok..e...you be "Good Rabbi" & I'll be "Bad Shaman"... ("Bad Priest" is taken & defiled in the wrong way.) WE'LL LEARN 'EM UP GOOD...
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