Misguided...yes...though many Christians are not Christ-like...& there are some Muslims that have no kind of mercy.
Directionless...this has no bearing (ha!) on whether or not the are atheists...I know there are Docs & Lawers out there..with plenty of direction..& motivation as well... are plenty of ignorant everythings (from atheists to Jew to Christian & Muslims..& even Pagans)...but with your parentheses you made it a true statement.
(by the way..not ALL monotheists, nor even all the followers of Christ believe in Christ as Savior..some say he was just a really cool is a little less ignorant.) default, yeah...they are heathens. know..most peoples I KNOW are hedonists...I think that "the American Dream" is the just about the most hedonistic shit ever.....& why there is a credit crisis...& so much greed on the wall street...
Without values...hey, it happens...but I think that that is a personal choice to be a loaf...
Without Morals...well...many are dude...a great many...a very great many...surely not ALL...but the majority of this minority...has no (or very few) morals.
...going to hell?
Read more Kabbalah Bro...Hell a the state of being when one is separation from the choosing to not believe in the Divine..atheists "turn their back to the Light" proper definition...they are in hell...& that may explain somethings to them about their lifes...if they believed in that kind of stuff..... see..that I do agree with more of that list than not...but I'ld throw most peoples upon those fires...
....looks like someone just picked on atheists for being Human...& since they were probably of some religion or another...they are hypocrites if they did not berate themselves for their own more human tenancies.
I am not picking on atheists in general...I know several...& I EVEN like 3 or 4 of them
(I don't LIKE most peoples..the Sages & Prophets say to LOVE your Brother...don't say shit about LIKE.)
I am picking on some ignorant, lying, whiners...that are to stupid/lazy to think about lazy to do anything that is not fun...
There is no arguing that there are a great many atheists who simply say they are atheists out of sheer rebellion.
These are anathema to the "serious-thinkers" whom fly the banner of atheism...
Over half of America is only half educated.
I would never do such a thing...each man (or woman) should be weighed on their own...THIS is the foundation of this great experiment...look around the world...I'm willing to bet that you find there are FAR worse places to proclaim atheism...FREEDOM OF RELIGION, that means you can choose non-religion...even non-spirituality...
Um...yeah...most athiests are fuckin' dumb!
They are ALL over the place...sayin' that if you don't believe in a man in the are an athiest...UM..that's fuckin' dumb! Also, it is insulting to anyone that KNOWS G*D as a non-persona-entity...atheists nearly always assume that because you believe in G*D you believe in some dude in a white robe & beard standing on a cloud.
Lincoln did somethin' really cool...he did his WILL...he believed that G*D made all this...but that the world was a lesson/test..& that G*D ain't gonna' intercede..SO..he sucked it up & did what he thought he had to....Baptists are probably where he learned his moral foundation from.
Can I haz cookie??
What Ben was......a really good example of a FreeMason.....he did not want ANYONE tellin' him how to do shit!
Sagan...I don't know at all...but he was on PBS...I liked all the quotes I have seen though...
Purty fertilizer..
Gift option...
Signal mirror....
Thrown weapon.....
Paper weight/ Door stop (depending on size, weight, & density)......
...I'm sure I could go on...but I simply don't FEEL like it