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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. *makes mental note to buy new sandals & argyle sox*
  2. * bows back * No worries... ..a lil' voice told me to do it...well at least it would not have shut up till I did it..
  3. I bet you could! That's how wrong your argument is at root you see...because you COULD CERTAINLY disagree more....
  4. ..no...she is wronger...& you are wrongest!
  5. :animier: :animier: This thread has been officially & thourally jacked...
  6. ..intermittently doing chores....workin' on a song...& totally jackin' some thread on accident
  7. Iz speacial number... You can look up the Law of Five SHIT...I just did...that fast!
  8. *shrugs* ..it's to much I think...over a 21rst b-day (not her, I don't know her from Eve to know whether or not she herself is important as a fact)...21 is not so important...& it puts this massive importance on imbibing alcohol to an excess...I'm a big ole meanie..but I care about the peoples you see. NOW tell me about someone turning 23...that's important.
  9. I can certainly agree about such "coat-riders"..."do somethin' cool to help..OR GET OFF.." That's my new words for those peoples...they are everywhere......
  10. *cross country high 5* *afterthought: makes signs of blessing* Tis said that G*D helps those whom help themselves... I feel Void...in the ZEN sence...
  11. HAHA! & by the time we showed up she was teh-Gone... Nice...hm...a rather perspective ridden word..is it not?
  12. Oh...that works...just it lets you have a WHOLE LOT...I don't use the whole thing..but I DID try to put a quite lengthy quote by Nietzsche & was Teh-denied....I think it is based on number of characters [bBCODE included in this tally]...not for the size of linked images...or what size the script is...& stuff like that...
  13. Yes...you are QUITE NICE...but you are not girl...you are Lady ...though...I am near certain that you were nowhere near as nice as you are now; when you were a girl...
  14. She don't look like she eats enough food to make it more that 23 minutes drinkin' at Club on a b-day...they make 'em strong...I swear they TRY to get peoples carried out...
  15. Sure..like such a thing as a nice girl.. ....There are a LOT of peoples in the Oblivion..& the troop is newborn anyhowz... ...I don't know her... .....& I wasn't playing. I luvz TOK though!
  16. Looks like I could maybe add...... Ah...new tradition...I see...
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