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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. I really don't get why you gotta' be meany to I.

    ALL I did...was get a dictionary out..for, I DID, listen to, & apply your logic.

    The Book, said I was wrong...that's what I get for arguing about what is & what is not a fascist with O_M_G (she has studied WWII quite deeply)...peace out dude.

  2. HERE YA GO...since, it is NOW obvious, you did not read the WHOLE entry... ...or, that you only are ONLY telling HALF a story...par for the course... SEE... ..sometimes, words have two meanings... (LedZeplin) NOW YOU KNOW...& KNOWING IS HALF THE BATTLE!
  3. Oh...I don't know if me billboard works...I've not heard a civil word in days...HAHAHA...

    My creativity is near all music now...

  4. Wow...& like the experts in the article, I, have never heard of this word "Hutaree"...& I have been around in an awful lot of books...what a bunch of backwardness..."Christians"..HA!
  5. hm...I thought that you could only give stars to someone once..ha...whatever...everything is childish...if you look at it correctly
  6. no prob...I habitually bitch when my homies just walk by... :)

  7. Yeah..?..what....?

    You just like to click by, & look at I now?

    No kind words for I today...?

  8. Dude...go ask a lawyer. A service, is a product...go ask ANY landscaper. ...or a stage performer...of which, I am /have been , both. I'm not reading your long post...I don't have time to argue you...there is no point...you are mad about something else.
  9. Mandatory classes...will not fix this...it is a very deep level of stupid.
  10. +1 If the world wants us to be the Uncle...they should at least stop hatin' on us when we bail them out.
  11. It's totally true! I read it, on the interwebs..JUST NAOW!
  12. Enabling, is disgusting...I understand, trying to help a buddy, because they are down...if they are down continually; & do not TAKE the hand that is offered to assist...fuck them...I can not stand around in the mud waiting to help someone up...
  13. Get a dictionary. Main Entry: prod·uct Pronunciation: \ˈprä-(ˌ)dəkt\ Function: noun Etymology: in sense 1, from Middle English, from Medieval Latin productum, from Latin, something produced, from neuter of productus, past participle of producere; in other senses, from Latin productum Date: 15th century 1 : the number or expression resulting from the multiplication together of two or more numbers or expressions 2 a (1) : something produced; especially : commodity 1 (2) : something (as a service) that is marketed or sold as a commodity b : something resulting from or necessarily following from a set of conditions <a product of his environment> 3 : the amount, quantity, or total produced 4 : conjunction 5 They help us to understand each other when communicating. Also; please, stop ranting at me, like I'm against healthcare....I am only against being FORCED, to purchase a product..& a service, is a product!
  14. ...Hm...still quite pissed off...getting pissed off in SEVERAL new directions as well...
  15. THIS YEAR.. THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT FORCES IT'S CITIZENS (we're supposed to be the bosses, not them) TO BUY A PRODUCT WHETHER IT WANTS IT OR NOT. Where's the Constitution now?
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