Hmm...I'ld just stay sober for your duration...there's so very little chance of failing a drug test if you ingest no "drugs".
I said "drugs" because I don't think that the 'shroom is not a drug..(no addictive effects)...however, I count it as a there is a toxic level that can kill or create the illusion of sickness.
That being said...if you NEED to have a mystery of the Universe explained to a "closed" part of your head...I'm pretty good at that shit....& I'll be here near everyday.
Whatever you do...I wish you well.
IORE (yes I pronounced that ey-or) Quit it...find some facts..don't just argue off the top of your head. At least read the bloody article.
From the link Gaf put up^^
SO...question Gaf...I understand what this HOLC they are trying to say is a good idea (kinda' mostly) seems that that is just a band-aid...& that like in another 100 years (give or take) this "bubble" will happen again...wouldn't it be better if the government just goes ahead & takes over lending cash for homes?
I don't get why the government does not go into business so that we don't have to pay so much...can you address my loosely formed question(s)? I always thought this was a good idea...
I/WE would be more than happy to attend any of these types of things as your Chaperon(s)...I think we'll pass the HW scrutiny...unless he calls the Inquisition...they don't like us for some odd reason...I think the nazi-pope has something to do with that.......
...& if you are gonna' go & WATCH a burlesque show...THIS...IS THE LADY YOU WANNA' SEE!
(& I have one of my famous FEELINGS, yours is the feedback she is seeking)
Remember during 20 paces...this lady (questionable, for sure) choked us out...we HAD to get icees at it was not a TOTAL BUST... it statistics...I call it MY LIFE...dig? I seriously can not count all the peoples I have lost to this city.
See...something is wrong with the D, man...& it has been this way for a lot longer than some fuckin' job shortage.
I was trying to talk about something deeper. know why I don't talk to my mother's side of the family? They are all fuckin' bigoted & judgmental ass hats...always talkin' shit...& pointin' a know who is watching THEM? G*D...yup..IT is....& I has it on very good athoriti'...that such things are NOT-HOLY....when one is NOT-HOLY, they live without G*D by their own choice...turning their backs upon ALL that is HOLY, building a Temple to the delusion that is what they perceive themselves to be.
I'm just talkin' about MY horrid brood...though they "hate-fatties" I assuredly have never been in the brunt of these insults...they have "special" material to rip on me with...I'm the "special-kidd"..."special-schools".."special-classes"..."special-DOCTORS"...........& people wonder why I despise the name my mother laid upon me.
I THINK...that you need to embrace the punk half of your inner-goth & tell them ALL to go & fuck themselves, & cut off ALL will be happier for it...I have NEVER one time heard a GOOD story about your family...{I even have 3 or 4 totally cool memories of family gatherings as a child...granted..ALL of those peoples are dead now}.....
My father's side is a WHOLE 'NOTHER A-BOMB.....
...&'re like barely chubby...certainly not FAT.
*exudes great bails of laughter at the theological proposition given*
I feel ok...but I have to goto the store soon for some things.....ugh!..the lights!
..I was checkin' OUR facts...(I held the same thoughts as you hold)...I checked 'cause I have google powers..had not had a refresher lately....& PChrome wanted referances to the hard facts ....SO.....though the D of I was a very susinct & formal fuck-you-very-much-note...we had already been at war for 2 years
G*D...I hate it when I prove my prior theories wrong....
Stuff that happened BEFORE the D of I...
Ah-Ha! I've got it! I did not really want to get TOO into reading...ALL quoted text was lifted from Wikipedia...but I learn'ded it in the high school......that was fun.
(big fat) +1 to the SG's post!
Mass props to the non-smokers for quiting...for not starting...& for leaving me the fuck alone to MY own devices.
Thank you very much; I stop there.