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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. *can't help but to chuckle at that cat's name* Now...we aren't goin' up there at some 11:00 am...cartoons aren't done till noon...we have VERY STRICT rules governing cartoon time on Saturday morning...like they can only be trumped by SyFy (rare as it is) & Church duties (as rare)... SEE YA'LL after lunch yo'! '
  2. How many times will she get hurt before she stops telling lies? What is the second most holy number in the Discordian Spiritual movement?
  3. ...oK.....ROLL CALL! I'll be there at least for a bit...my back-pack-straps need a touch-up...
  4. ..like I am takin' a nap in about an hour! ....& that I ran into Darryl (from CC) & Mark (I met him at Assention as the door guy back in it's day) at Trixxie's!
  5. Architecture In Helsinki And we're slow to acknowledge the knots on the laces heart it races and we go back to where we moved out to the places heart it races i bought it in a can and stirred it with my finger singing boom-dadadadadadada boom-dadadada through it out the window and lately you've been tanned suspicious for the winter with your boom-dadadadadadada boom-dadadada legs like little splinters and we're slow to acknowledge the knots in the laces heart it races and we go back to where we move out to the places heart it races i sold it to a man and threw him out that window he went boom-dadadadadadada boom-dadadada made his wife a widow heart it races alone everybody go Boom dadadadadadada boom dadadada
  6. DUDE! That's deep...I feel like a coffee...when the O_M_G arrives...anyone want to meet up?? *looks at prick*
  7. ...even when absolutely nothing is goin' on?
  8. ..I don't know what I am feeling right now...is overwhelmed a proper emotion?
  9. ...like there is a BIG KNIFE stickin' in my shoulder blade...
  10. ...workin' hard...but hardly workin'...good noises today..
  11. We did something similar in the late 90's...except we did NOT send one to the President...
  12. ..not only are you being absurd...you are incorrect....Ben had an extensive garden, a printing business, had to WALK to work...& more stuff too...I think he made booze... anyways...MY point was: modern peoples are becoming weaker & weaker out of a reliance on technology. ..GodDamned-Discordians...
  13. ...better than depressed...I am trying to accrue a manic roll so I can work {better} later...
  14. ...I go shopping now... ...I wish I had a personal-assistant to go with me...
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