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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. ..makin' shopping list...& havin' a smoke...
  2. No worries!

    Finding it all well?

  3. "Concentrate And Ask Again" (& OR DUH) MAJIK 8 BALL has spoken.
  4. ...bleary...dreary...& absolutely positively...NOT into being awake...
  5. ...to right...I think that's goin' around today.
  6. ..& then people were bitching that no matches were made...& GreyHalo took over...
  7. Blessings for your Sister..check, I PRAY. Yup...there sure are...can't think of them now...ask O_M_G...oregeno (I think) or wasd it olive leaf... *scratches head*
  8. ........do you really think that's a good idea in your condition?
  9. Hi there new person!

  10. ...gonna' watch T.V. & straighten up till around noon...
  11. Then by your logic....I am blessed? .....it stopped as O_M_G & I were walking down the stairs this afternoon. oK...MAYBE I AM. I think your timing is just a bit off Sweety....
  12. ..it is given for excellent behavior, showing respect...general Civility & such...it in itself is not a huge deal...but 3 in a row is pretty tight we took him out for cocoa... I feel full of coffee & cookies...
  13. Fight it in the courts or leave to a land in which you are not persecuted. I don't think that ANY organization within the US is aloud to regulate the shape of the ink under your skin. It is apparent that you & your friends did not pursue the proper legal channels...or that this is a made up point.
  14. You will not get to wear these symbols until you collectively grow a pair of yarbles & take them back.
  15. Lil' ole YOU! Frail...always has an injury...lil' ole you.....put down a 20 yr-lod boy?? WITH YOUR CLOTHES ON! :shock: He's a pussy! I feel like a proud papa Goat...Junior scooped up the "Moral Focus" award at the school (3rd quarter in a row)...it's all that rhetoric I spit at him to keep him in control in churches & supermarkets.....the art teacher even seeked me out to say some nice things about him....I can't remember what..she was HAWT.....
  16. Those Goetic Daemons are very well behaved... *TO HH* You DID command it by the Universal Name right? (In the Name of G*D)...they WRECK shit pretty harshly if you don't "put the leash on correctly"...
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