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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. I never saw that shit! I just heard it on the tele...I had to look up the quote anyhow...
  2. "My Sources Say No" MAJIK 8 BALL has spoken.
  3. Teh-Hawt-group-Sex... ...I'ld be SO gay for my clone...you have NO clue! N.Y.C. would no longer be Gay-Mecca...it would be my shadow...
  4. *points at crotch*


  5. I love your it's part of why I let you keep me
  6. OOOOOOOOOOh.....but I did not really see him "rip" into Obama...they talked a whole bunch about taps in the past being far more wide scale than was previously uncovered...even they wanted to tap a Congressman...
  7. Um...you should watch it anyways...it was talkin' about a whole buncha' older than BIG-O shit...the guest is who you need to listen to...I don't think they even talked about BIG-O...if they did..it wasn't but for a moment.
  8. 20 guests, 15 members, 1 anonymous members Rev.Reverence (3), Yahoo.com, Msterbeau (1), Google.com, phee (2), MSN.com, Slogo, Baidu.com, void6, Vampyrerin, hunhee (5), jynxxxedangel, StormKnight (+), candyman, Ryle Hira, fish, Mr Jebel, anametamystik, Oh_My_Goth (+)
  9. I R OK...

    I have to do laundry...so I am making the rum go with me...

  10. SUPER!

    See you Saturday!

  11. I'll keep an eye out for Viking-Chicks...when I see one..I'll point you out to them!
  12. ..seriously ('nother thread)...I don't get it...
  13. *quivers* Quit it Mega.... or don't
  14. ...me...the whole thing......just can't be split up...from the tip of me 'locks, to the scars on my nose...my lanky extremities...to my belly like a goat...the furry parts & the spotted skin...even my "finger-like" toes...REALLY...I so go, with me...no one could sport this forehead like I do...not even my Da'...well...Junior Goat just MIGHT pull it off (hide yer daughters!)
  15. Non-majik 8 ball...are you a pile of cocaine?
  16. "Reply Hazy Try Again" (I've got your back on the double flip HunHee) "It Is Certain" MAJIK 8 BALL has spoken.
  17. AWE SHIT.....it's THE END OF THE WORLD! CALL THE PRESS...CALL THE PULL....CALLING ALL CARS.... ................Everyone lie down on the ground and no one will get hurt! No really though...when this many distantly different peoples...WE MUST BE RIGHT! (Albeit we are all distantly related via a keen knowing of a deep sence of gloom.) {I think I just defined "GOTH" in a 1 line sentence.}
  18. What the fuck is this? How am I to believe a Mundane 8 Ball..... ...I just got it...phee's talkin' to a pile of coke...
  19. Yup!! Frieks should help each other...even if the friek that needs help has a funny haircut
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