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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. HEY! I know THIS guy!

    How's it goin'?

    Good to see you in the box...

  2. Wha'? ...referance the lyrics from "Darkangel" by VNV
  3. I dare say..I am active...it is hard to get me to sit still for more than 5-10 minutes. But your point stands as a valid factor in the obesity rates..that & to much food as well (dude, really, how many peoples do you know that do "Super Size" the meal deal when they should not?) and THEN have an apple pie & a milk shake!
  4. That I can not argue..but they weren't obeying their own words... ..which brings us to thew root of the REAL problem in D.C. LIARS.
  5. You know it Girl!

    *snaps in the air*

  6. I saw them..bitching about the Democrats they elected. The peoples of other "races" were there as well. It was a cool party.
  7. Short a syllable...hmm....."whole crotch" (so as to make you hop..you see it in your mind?)
  8. Really...thanx for this post today!
  9. There is no truth. All things are permissible. ~Hassan I Sabbah I FEEL GEARED FOR WAR.
  10. I saw one on a news broadcast (yeah..I watched it on accident)...looked more like a party than a protest...not a straight face in the house...peoples were TO HAPPY! Happy THEY got on the T.V. box...not that their cause was being covered...
  11. I can find some vids & post them later... ALWAYS into helping peoples learn how to pray in the old way ..just DO NOT COPY other dances...take bits & make them yours..make up the rest of the movements "ON THE FLY"... BE BACK SOON!
  12. It is not. This..I'll stand & say this is some BULLSHIT! Were you offended when Bush activated it? OR did you think it was a necessary step? I think to say 1 thing & to do another is one of the greatest Sins a man can perpetuate...other than lying to ones self. (EDIT: I did start this responce at 9:00, I had to stop to assist Jr.Goat with some math {homework on Spring break?})
  13. NO...not really...I just want to see me peoples Luv...I like MY porn in PRIVATE.... ('cides..no one in this state can really afford to watch ME work it )
  14. +1 Thank G*D for the Logic! NOW...I was thinkin' the other week (while watching Discovery or some such affiliate) that this whole "glandular problem" is a HUGE steamy load of fuckin' shit. SOME people MAY indeed have a glandular activity that makes them unable to be thin. As proof..I offer up Venus of Willendorff. (I has 1 in my locks...Ancestor Veneration) The show I was watching (about tribes in the Amazon) had 1 fat person for a tribe of like 50 peoples...& she was an OLD lady....but when I walk through a mall in THIS country..... I think it is the refined sugar & the over eating (you know you are NOT supposed to eat meat everyday)....the FDA lies.. THEY LIE...THEY LIE...THEY LIE! MY PROOF...I once set out how much food I am "SUPPOSED" to eat everyday...took me nearly 3 days to eat. AMERICA (in general) EATS TO FUCKIN' MUCH! *This has been a generalized rant directed at the whiny Americans that will not to be healthy because they'ld rather try to fill the "hole inside" with food...& to the FDA & Medical Establishments that keep tellin' them what they want to hear.*
  15. ..a lil' more optimistic towards the season...we'll see...
  16. ..um...in responce to the initial question of what we thought on this...I'ld just like to say... FUCK THAT STUPID SHIT PETA IS TALKIN' ABOUT! (EDIT FOR:grievous spelling error)
  17. "My Sources Say No" "Most Likely" "Better Not Tell You Now" MAJIK 8 BALL has spoken.
  18. OH Great MAJIK 8 BALL....do you think it'll work out? "Signs Point To Yes" MAJIK 8 BALL has spoken. Ah..I SEE!
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