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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. "My Reply Is No" (sorry pRick...I just ask & flip) "Very Doubtful" MAJIK 8 BALL has spoken.
  2. Q-boat is "undercover warship"...looks like a freighter...has hidden big gunz! Numbah1 U-boat killa' in the WWs...I think they should use these tactics in addition to arming the freighters to some degree...shit, at least pass out shotguns!
  3. I feel this is from Jinxxed...& not HW welcome to "THE BLISS"...
  4. OH!..." SUPER VILLAIN "......well..I'ld NEVER! *resumes action pose*
  5. I'm not a muffin!

    I'm a GOAT!

  6. There are numerous small craft constructed out of plastics & fiberglasses & such... ...hARRd to hARRpoon... ..these 'land-lubers' need to start packin' some heat on the open seas...cargo or whatever..NO PORT WITHSTANDING...
  7. *the thumping bass resounds* In a minute...I can't read that & listen to the rap ...different brains
  8. Cold bumpin' by Lil'John & Yin-Yang Twins
  9. "Very Doubtful" MAJIK 8 BALL has spoken.
  10. ...& here...I've been sitting & praying that SOMEONE will get it RIGHT... (I guess we COULD use a few more of me in the world)
  11. ..I don't see it as the same...indeed a selfish wish...but not the same as wishing for the whole country to fail...anytime a human fails & it brings joy to another human, it is just that much further that we must travel until we are One Tribe again...
  12. No doubt! These guys are SLICK! Um...why don't we watch them with satellites??
  13. I think you are ALL fucking insane...I cleared this ALL up...I'll do it again... ...Clinton, Bush, Obama...not tremendously different peoples (look at their yearly earnings statements)...they ALL in this for THEM (period). They are makin' it LOOK like they are trying to help..they are helping themselves (THOUGH SOME SEE THROUGH IT)....this is ALL a HUGE machination...designed to divide the peoples...so that there are only 2 classes...THEM & US...N~W~O~
  14. MY Superhero name is REVEREND REVERENCE! *action pose*
  15. SUX BRO...hope it works betta' next time! I feel reluctantly awake...
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