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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. "You May Rely On It" MAJIK 8 BALL has spoken.
  2. OH, MAJIK 8 BALL; sitting on my desk...should this song go this way? "Most Likely" "Without A Doubt" "Outlook Good" MAJIK 8 BALL has spoken.
  3. Yeah...I especially like how they caught the light...teh-kewl...
  4. "It Is Decidedly So" MAJIK 8 BALL has spoken.
  5. HAHAHA! I can still see the Arch-Bishop's face!
  6. "Better Not Tell You Now" MAJIK 8 BALL has spoken.
  7. "Outlook Not So Good" MAJIK 8 BALL has spoken.
  8. ...that's what we need to do...lower our requirements.
  9. ..a Yellow Submarine, A Yellow Submarine, A Yellow Submarine!
  10. ..technically speaking...still lookin' fer some hookin'... WOW...having IQ requirements/limits REALLY trims down the field.
  11. ..oK..bit tired at the now.


  12. 'Very Doubtful' MAJIK 8 BALL has spoken. ..maybe that someone is ALREADY in your life?..(but maybe you need to search.)
  13. ALL my altered pics are from O_M_G learning to work that stuff..if you see a pic of me you'ld like to alter..you are quite free to cousin!

    I do not "see" such things...like "OO-that is cool let's *insert modification here as I simply don't know the words* to it."

  14. ...like I have church again today! This time it is for a Ceremony in which an old acquaintance of mine (via mutual long time friends) is going to be "Deaconed" in the Orthodox.
  15. I "drew" you a picture...an illustration if you will... Jynxxxed-ed ^HW^
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