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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. 'Reply Hazy Try Again' 'My Sources Say No' MAJIK 8 BALL has spoken. ..probably just this Michigan swamp air get out!
  2. OH MAJIK 8 BALL... will it be a smash on the morrow? 'You May Rely On It' MAJIK 8 BALL has spoken.
  3. AWE SNAP REV! It looks really good for the morrow! SURE DOES FRIEK! My only concern is that it not be to windy. WELL...I'll see what I can do about that..k?..K! THANX MAL! [excerpt from the mynde of Rev.Reverence]
  4. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I feel I am not sure we will get absolutely everything we have planned done before bed time...& that I'll be tying threads on my last lock on the ride there...& that I do not get a super-long night's sleep tonight...
  5. ..takin' a break from kitchen duties & grabbin' some coffee!
  6. Oh...NICE red-eye-pic.


  7. AH!

    (don't poke me there...they can all see!)

  8. Hi!


    We are ALL frieks down here!

  9. ugh...like 3 showers in 3 days is TO FUCKING MANY! *goes to wash dye out*
  10. ..lasagna (veggie) (edit: I have a supply of styro cups & plates & some plastic forks too){we need napkins}
  11. 12 guests, 13 members, 3 anonymous members Yandex.com, Yahoo.com, Head Wreck, Google.com, CixWicked, Ivy_Cat, Cobion.com, munin218 (4), sexslavetrainer (+), ttogreh, Baidu.com, asphyxian_doll (+), Rayne (1), Oh_My_Goth (+), Msterbeau (1), TheOsakaKoneko, Troy Spiral (5), Gaf The Horse With Tears
  12. *sneak*




  13. Fuck yeah! Cool place to.....do whatever REALLY.

  14. I feel like making my hair PURPLE! I also feel like a big ole' veggie-sub..oOo...look here's one RIGHT HERE!
  15. ...um...they keep lookin' at me...& I was dressed in my 'incognito outfit'... ...I get paranoid when to many'normals' look at me for to long.
  16. ...& there will be NO FAIL... c'mon...WE don't have enough outdoors ninja to set up a gazebo? (tent village takes less than an hour to assemble right?)
  17. 'Without A Doubt' MAJIK 8 BALL has spoken.
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