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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. *shakes fist* THERE WILL BE NO GAZEBO FAIL! *cuteface* I promise!
  2. ..now I am even betta'! ...& yeah..those happy lil' kiddz have me in a good mood..but I woke in a bad one....but we are staedily going up, Up, UP!!! I go for coffee now.
  3. ..I would not be surprised if it were a debate...but DAMN! I never saw it happen before! I appreciate phee for not just deleting our antics! Phee...go have a Mt.Dew...you deserve it!
  4. Grumpy as piss. ...so better than when I woke this morn.
  5. Just tellin' the tell...Doll...that's me job
  6. I REALLY appreciate Torn for getting this info out...eternal I think you are over reacting a bit...many peoples use that mandala...how long till they can use it with out being persecuted? ..personally thought it a bit ironic that the Gypsy (Roma if you want to be all PC) are descended from the same stock as the Hindi.
  7. HEY! Yeah! I don't know where I'm supposed to be! I just know when...
  8. .............hm...............maybe if you three could agree on specific things..........
  9. ..lil' anxious! ...it's a good anxiety! (still makes me twitchy though..& dizzy too..when I stand)
  10. We tryin' to work this out.


    Rides & such may not work out.

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