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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. ..either did I...but I'm STILL tellin' you. ....you are young..& impetuous...listen to the old fart..k?
  2. READ THIS. ..& THIS. ..now figure it out....I'll be over here if anyone wants a better lesson
  3. ..I've got an order you can pull....no..really...I was on my way to the phone to call you right now...
  4. ..AWE...to bad we need another 'puter box..I'ld say get on a bus...!
  5. ..I feel that she is hot when she is angry...I want to hump her (& feel her)
  6. My body hurts from rockin' it out with the band in studio.. But my spirit is high because of it.
  7. ..gettin' outta' here!...gonna' go be a success!
  8. *sips rum in toast to phee's incredible oneness with self loathing* TO SAINT PHEE!
  9. ..phee is so phunny...he is not a mod...he is a SENIOR mod...hahah!
  10. MAJIK 8 BALL...am I sufficiently crazy enough to do this recording this weekend? 'Without A Doubt' MAJIK 8 BALL has spoken.
  11. ...very horny. ...I have to much to do to take time out till bedtime!
  12. ..flippin' frieky! .....have 235 things to do in the next week! (oK..maybe not THAT many)....
  14. ..cig..& more dishes..& see what else I can clean before I practice some more..
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