NO!...but they are related...when Winter breaks rapidly (or in a drawn out flip-flop process){like this year}...I have noticed that the general populous gets "pent-up"...waiting for true Spring to be here...or explodes because of the sneak-spring...
..hence I coin the term "SPRING-TENSION" know Meg...they don't calls me Goat fer no reason
...not your fault deary...just put these marbles in your'll make you talk we can understand you properly......& those extra "Rs" will clear up soon enough...just remember to take the marbles out when you eat..or know I'm tellin' Jr. Goat about how peoples in Brittan talk funny..or that we do over here...(we were talkin' about next Saturnday)...& he asks, "What do they sound like?" so I does a bit of English mish-mash...he breaks out with, "What the flag-nog."
*random whip cracking*
You know......with all this music practice..I think it counts as workin' out...(you should see me pressing buttons..I move..ALLOT!)