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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. 'YES' 'Outlook Good' 'It Is Decidedly So' MAJIK 8 BALL has spoken.
  2. ..see what movies are on demand...& make dinner to eat watching said movie.
  3. 'It Is Certain' MAJIK 8 BALL has spoken.
  4. ...track that is called "track # 18"...mixed it down to send into the team...SO MANY knobs twisting...
  5. Makin' noises...long work week...

    ...gonna' have a party soon...

    ..can't wait for spring!

  6. 'Ask Again Later' MAJIK 8 BALL has spoken.
  7. 'Better Not Tell You Now' MAJIK 8 BALL has spoken.
  8. 'Concentrate And Ask Again' MAJIK 8 BALL has spoken.
  9. 'Don't Count On It' MAJIK 8 BALL has spoken.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zbUG2O0QN0& Pure Energy ( cyber re m ix) ~ Information Society
  11. ..like it sounds like a dance hall in my bedroom right now... ....so it's a pretty good day for a Wednesday...which are usually boring.
  12. 'Outlook Good' MAJIK 8 BALL has spoken. (It lies on the table ALL DAY & NIGHT..till needed..they made it with a flat bottom on purpouse you know.)
  13. 'My Sources Say No' MAJIK 8 BALL...will I ever memorize this dang song? 'Outlook Good' MAJIK 8 BALL has spoken.
  14. ..not QUITE as giddy ^^^ ..but certainly in the neighborhood...
  15. Hey...I am busy for about the next 2 weeks solid..but I'ld like to hang with the boy for a bit next week..I do not know which day I am free yet though..If I am not in his face..I believe he will slip..he DOES need a bunch of encouragements...

    I'll holla' at you when I find out what day I am free-er than the others to see can we get a meeting on...

  16. MAYBE...just MAYBE...I can get the other 2 thirds of MILKHEAD to come out for this....HMMMMMM... We are working on a reunion!
  17. 20 guests, 5 members, 0 anonymous members Rev.Reverence (3), Yahoo.com, jynxxxedangel, Scary Guy, Google.com, Enishi, BooHoo
  18. ...gettin' ready the Junior for the schoolin'...& gettin' ready to "DO THIS TUNE!"
  19. ..or at least whisper it in 1 person's ear for them to broadcast... naw..get a bullhorn! ..I have a new crush...but it WON'T go anywhere...AT ALL...& ya'll don't know them.
  20. ..woke up....haha...I was starving..hehehe..I fergot to eat lunch..I was busy jamin'...like Beethoven....apparently.
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