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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. 'Don't Count On It' 'Outlook Not So Good' 'Signs Point To Yes' 'YES' MAJIK 8 BALL has spoken.
  2. WHOOT! WHOOT! Thanx for all the distractions! Made many friends! Learned many things...THANX DGN.
  3. "WHY JAH WHY?!???!"

  4. 'Cause WE rock! ;}

    *does the Libra Dance*

  5. 'Yes' 'Better Not Tell You Now' MAJIK 8 BALL has spoken.
  6. 'Yes Definitely' MAJIK 8 BALL has spoken.
  7. MAJIK 8 BALL........were they serious? 'It Is Certain' MAJIK 8 BALL has spoken.
  8. Yo, v's sister take some of you & upload them at the studio
  9. ..practicing "Bittersweet Quandary"...
  10. ..relaxin'...lookin' over some lyrics...watchin' T.V......
  11. We have plans for a bit..but as soon as it gets less hectic we'll do that!{I am in the beginning steps of cutting my album & doing a jam album in three weks!}(AHHH!)

    Thrilled for you two!


  12. ...like, phee, just made me want a Pepsi.
  13. They DO have their own lil' room...if you count their secret forum...
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