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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. oH Noes! ..that will be far to much stew to finish...& phee could not even eat ALL those leftoverz!
  2. *bows back*

    I try...really I do...so yeah..I'll cook food..after Easter? (we don't eat meat right now)(the best stuff has meat in it)

    {that was funny sounding to! HAHAHA}

  3. I got some goats from the mountains... ..we traveled long & far... ..down winding roads... ...across the dessert... ..it was a big fuckin' desert... ...Sam got lost... ..Lobo the Goat Dog brought him back... ...& we got back to the road... ...across the plain.... ...up some other mountains..on some other winding road... ...& crossed the river... ...well where do you want me to put all these goats???
  4. I know that you've all been waiting for a friek with magnanimous visionz to put this thread up....
  5. ..er...ok...or something...huh..huh..


  6. ..pretty good...'cept the stalkerz & lurkerz keep lookin' at me....
  7. ..just sittin' at home...

    I'm on the box about all day every day (off & on) you know..in between my house chores...

  8. DUDE........I luv you.

  9. Come out to poetry ;)

    We no get out for a while..except a show or maybe the Ritz thing on a thursday soon.

    If ya'll are bored sometime, you know we'ld love to have you for dinner sometime. {that did not sound right..unless it DID!}

  10. Thanx!

    I am glad..& you are of course invited to join us whenever you wish!

  11. 21 guests, 8 members, 1 anonymous members Rev.Reverence (3), Yandex.com, Oh_My_Goth (+), Yahoo.com, Google.com, creatureofthenyte, MarsDustDoug, Megalicious, phee (2), jynxxxedangel, hunhee (5)
  12. ..booka'-booka'-doo-doo-do..I feel SILLY
  13. FIERCE! I LIKE THAT TAT! I am going to do one like it for a Brother of minez...
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