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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. .......I JUST BET...... .....if I push just a bit harder, it'll snap.....
  2. ..watchin' Buck Rodgers & puttin' me laundry away...yup..I'm a domestic type!
  3. 'My Sources Say No' MAJIK 8 BALL has spoken.
  4. 11 guests, 10 members, 0 anonymous members Rev.Reverence (3), Yahoo.com, DJDeadbeat, Google.com, Spook, Msterbeau (1), candyman, phee (2), DJ Saint, creatureofthenyte, Blagondoc, Oh_My_Goth (+) NOBODY IS INVISIBLE!?!??!?!??!?!??!??!??!??!??!
  5. 'Yes Definitely' MAJIK 8 BALL said it! I'm goin' out for fries
  6. 'Better Not Tell You Now' *giggling* MAJIK 8 BALL has spoken. *fails to keep ceremonial demeanor*
  7. 'Signs Point To Yes' MAJIK 8 BALL has spoken.
  8. 'Very Doubtful' (note: that was NOT a 'NO') 'Most Likely' MAJIK 8 BALL has spoken.
  9. 'It Is Certain' I concur. INDEED! 'Ask Again Later' MAJIK 8 BALL has spoken.
  10. 'Very Doubtful' 'My Reply Is No' MAJIK 8 BALL has spoken.
  11. 'Most Likely' MAJIK 8 BALL has spoken.
  12. ..seriously?!?!

    Been here since 05 & JUST made your first post..HAHAHA!

    Do you goto Trixxie's at all?

  13. 'My Sources Say No' MAJIK 8 BALL has spoken.
  14. CREATIVE! ..I totally feel like makin' some trax of the synth noise...but I have to do laundry...well..I am glad that waking up 20-30 minutes earlier made me feel this way..I think it is going to be my new routine.
  15. ..laundry for me & Junior today...in a bit. ...before that..I'll watch some comedy.
  16. HA! How about I light a white candle? DONE!
  17. Awaker than ussual. I got up a few minutes earlier today.
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