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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. 'Don't Count On It' MAJIK 8 BALL has spoken.
  2. O_M_G will have a new Goat skin rug if I don't use what I buy! ..but I DO already have a theramin rig she rather have me play when she is NOT in the building .......THAT kind of shit?
  3. ..well..I figure..perhaps I'll do a research tomorrow.. ....I feel 'ALL CLEAN!'...& wet I hate random drops of water...
  4. ..that's called "the manic cycle" isn't it? ....I feel like I need a shower..
  5. Active Users 19 guests, 15 members, 2 anonymous members Rev.Reverence (3), Yahoo.com, ~kitty, Google.com, StormKnight (+), Jinx, TitsMcGee (+), Chernobyl (4), DJ Saint, candyman, TheGimp (+), Shade Everdark (1), phee (2), deathfearsnone, Gaf The Horse With Tears, isasckos45, Baidu.com, Leland City Club
  6. *sneak*





    Nice Birthday ya' have there!

  7. ...COFFEE! ..& chicken! *cha-cha-cha*
  8. Yeah...but it is a far walk for just to weigh in I'll get near one soon.
  9. Your Animal is the Goose You are are a resourceful person who needs a lot of stability in life. You rather save for a rainy day, even if it means on missing out on fun impulses. When you feel secure, you are incredibly creative and artistic. You are also very witty. You like to invest in yourself and for the future. You like to always be learning and gaining skills. ...REALLY!?!? A FUCKING GOOSE!?!?
  10. ..bein' sad... .....for stuff & things.....
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