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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. YAY! I should not be there this week...but will be next week.
  2. NO! let me fall...I don't want you to hurt your knee.....

    *goth pose*

  3. ..there is a fine lil' pub we could step out to from here (3 blocks)...if you two would chance to have a dinner with Us...ALL the Eastside kiddz can pop up & meet HW...?
  4. *coolly places wedges of wood under each rocking chair* I'm mental...but at least I have some things to attend to so as to not go off the deep end.
  5. NO! ..you can haz 1 cup! .....if you eat for this stress..it will ADD to it..you dig (by"ADD" I mean increase)(& by "it" I mean your ass)
  6. Trying to calm this one down..& keep calm as well...
  7. NO!...but you can tell me how I can help..then we will BOTH scream that ought to do it!
  8. You Are A Rowan Tree You are full of charm and cheer. You light up a room. And while you crave attention, you do it without ego. You are an interesting mix of contradictions - and very unpredictable. You are both dependent and independent, calm and restless. You are passionate, emotional, gregarious, and (at times) unforgiving. ^^^spot on^^^HORIDLY SPOT ON. *looks back over thread* ...funny...I was unawares that the Celts used the LIME TREE {NOR A FIG TREE} in any rituals...or calenders...or alphabets...or for anything...ever...
  9. They said in the Last Fracking Special...that it would be wrapped up Friday...it is a double episode...& yeah...if they do not close it well..they will get a hate mail & I will NOT buy the box set...(I was planning on it)... ..& Troy....it is changing to "SyFy"..(Miss Munin made a thread).. that is SO lame!
  10. ..wow...looks like anybody in a celebratory mood was at bar & pub..not here any ways... WELL..I made it through with NO HANG OVER! I made it to bed before midnight! O_M_G was tired after 1 round (of sex){damn! I'm good!}... ...woke up only once around 2:49 in the am ( that was weird..some one probably died)... I had cheese burger...& whiskey (from Ireland & Scotland)...& a wee bit of corned beef (the kiddz at me bar are very fast) Perhaps next year..I'll have a party!
  11. ..pretty good...awake...ready for the world..(well ambitious at least)
  12. When the shit goes down ~ Cypress Hill
  13. :w00t: I'll drink to that! *takes a shot*
  14. I wish my peoples would have been more recent immigrants...then I would get that for bacon! Well...we are off to the pub!
  15. ..fuckin' rockin' asses! (whatever that means){I think it is good}
  16. I heard that one as well...but it was heresay..& I am looking for a note about it SOMEWHERE...but can not find one. ...Saint Patrick's colour was blue...a certain hue of blue... I did find this...it's pretty cool.
  17. The Irish used to think that potatoes were poisonous...till Sir Walter Riley brought them from the New World.
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