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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. ..I feel I quite over did it...I can be to awesome for my own good... ..I feel like I should hit that rum that was leftover from the leftover rum I had from a week ago... ..I feel that if I do that I'll want to sit in my chair... ..I feel I'll be fast asleep by the time you arrive home...
  2. ..like I wish I had not bought SO many groceries...I'm fine about the cash (for a change)...just to carry them ALL...AT ONCE...ack! *falls ova'*
  3. You Are Truth You are communicative, talkative, and honest to a fault. You love telling others about yourself, but not as much as you like hearing about them. You connect easily with strangers. You're very open, and you can find common ground with people. You love to gossip and tell secrets. Telling all is how you get close to people. ...whatever...
  4. ..gettin' ready for a very busy afternoon of shopping & laundry...
  6. 'As I See It Yes' MAJIK 8 BALL has spoken.
  7. Yup! & Junior needs these things as part of "proper culturing"... Great idea twb!
  8. Out to bars, clubs, shows..?

  9. ...I'll wipe that smile right off your face for you! when I pull out the strap!

  10. ..MAGIK 8 BALL IS NEVER WRONG! (I think){maybe} *runs away*
  11. So What ~ Ministry ..it comes on..& I think of O_M_G (in the booty appreciation thread)(that's what's playin' in the picture)
  12. 'Signs Point To Yes' MAJIK 8 BALL has spoken. (to bad you are so far away..O_M_G is a good witch-doctor )
  13. YUP!

    For havin' such a hawt ass...I can' get it out of my head!!!

  14. 'Signs Point To Yes' MAJIK 8 BALL has spoken.
  15. 'My Sources Say No' MAJIK 8 BALL has spoken.
  16. *poke*poke*

    Wazz-up Thursday?

  17. I'm gonna' spank you tonight!


    (just in case) ;)

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